"That's too high! Why should I pay that much?" I said.

"Because we're underage and could say you are exploiting children," the smart one said.

Screw him, he thinks I'll cave to black mail?

I could get a switch and flay his little ass if I wanted to.

"You really shouldn't swear at children, even if they deserve it," Sunghee chided me.

"I didn't," I said.

"Yeah but you were about too," she giggled.

Because of that I wasn't able to fight back much against their overcharging us. I know for a fact 40 copper is overcharging but at least we got it to 20 copper each.

Man dwarven towns suck. All these greedy types are everywhere.

So far there's no sign of Akira or Saiya either or anyone else though I suspect they are around somewhere.

It takes us a good half hour to walk across town to find the arena.

But then one of the kids protested. "EH?! My pops won't let me go in adult brothels!" He tried to look innocent.

"Hey you little asshole, that isn't a brothel!" Sunghee protested with a red face.

"We can't go in brothels either!" another kid joined in.

Nearby suddenly other adults are turning their heads at the misunderstanding.

"This isn't a brothel for the last time, you idiots. Do you think I'd bring kids to an adult place!" I said angrily and hurriedly before others act on their misinformation. Any sane adult would see it's a misunderstanding but sometimes people act without thinking.

This is rebellion, faking with arrogance and fake virtue signaling to get out of work!

They are trying to get out of work and keep the wage. I'm sure he did the misunderstanding on purpose. And he did it next to other adults to try to get us to cave in through shaming us.

Because Sunghee is wonderful and beautiful she easily explained it as a misunderstanding to witnesses but it took a minute.

This is the last time I pay anything up front. I'd given them 10 copper up front but I guess they don't want to work for it. They haven't even been on the job for an hour jeez.

"I guess I'll tell your dad you took money and ran out on a job. Wonder what he'll say about that," Sunghee finally said the right thing.

The kids faces pale and one of them rubs his but remembering the last time he cheated someone.

"No wait please!"

"No don't tell!"

"We'll be good I promise!"

They are now begging to not get beaten by their pops I think. At least I'm pretty sure dwarven parents don't have a hands off approach when it comes to discipline. Plus dwarves are sturdier even as kids compared to humans.


They have pained looks.

Finally we start to go to the arena. Strangely it's OK to have kids over 12 years old at an arena though I think that's weird too. You would think it would have similar rules as a casino right? It doesn't and is even more lapse than one.

It's a huge area surrounded by tons of people. There are people selling stuff like medicine, herbs, bandages, elixirs that are probably mostly fake, and food stands with a ton of foot traffic, and warriors of all types going in and out. There are as many non-dwarves as there are dwarves to a place like this. Some of them even claim their items give special powers but I can't feel any magic coming from them so I'm sure it's a few con artists and hoax people.

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