week one of many

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keneka pov

its been one week scince our brake up and I'm still feeling numb to be exact emotionless me and the girls are going out today by the way aliyah is 11 weeks and kianna is 10 i got a promotion at work and we were going out to celebrate proud of me for real

I'm currently in the bathroom getting my makeup done when i spotted somthing in make up draw his perfume and i smiled

i might not show it but i miss him alot probably my pregnant hormones but still feel like a part of me is missing because we were always together i sigh taking it out my draw and pulling in my products

i put on my clothes and sprayed on his perfume it smells so good normally the orther ones would my head spin but this just right with me i walked over to the mirrow and smiled

i got into my car and drove to AC hotel for the brunch were i saw aliyah and kianna waiting on me when they saw me they got up and ran toward me which made people starting looking

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i got into my car and drove to AC hotel for the brunch were i saw aliyah and kianna waiting on me when they saw me they got up and ran toward me which made people starting looking

" hey my baby congratulation boo" aliyah said and kiaana did the same and i smile i told them thanks we went back to our seats and started our brunch

we talked about 20 diffrent things at once and let just say i need this it was the first time i laught from the week started and then it poped up i forgot to tell them

" so guy i have somthing to say " i said and the fell silent giving me their full attention

" im planing on buy a hou-"

"bup bup bup " kianna and aliyah said at the same time causing me to laugh after a minunte or two the calm down

" so as yall know i pregy and i want my baby in an environment were if i get low they dont have to worry about where they gonna live so not only gonna buy the house but the land so no mortgage for me " i said and they smile

"im so proud of you my baby " kianna said

" right cya belive a the same girl this weh did fraid fi talk to me " aliyah said and i laugh

" so yall are going to follow me house shopping trm " i ask nervous and they looed at each orther

" yo can realy ask we dat" they said the same time and i smiled swear them a read each orther mind after about 20 more minutes of talking jay called aliyah

" jay a ask if uno can follow me go up a chill spot for something " she said and we told her sure chill spot aka werhouse i just love my friend so much i just love the fact they knew i was huring and tried their best to make me smile and didn't mention my brake up

we payed for our food and drinks then left i drove out first then aliyah then kianna three bmw mine is black and theirs are white we arrived in about 25 minutest the toll road was clear so we raced here and their he was him jay and odane staing waiting on him look go- no no him fuckig disgust me

i praked in the middle and the girls parked side by side to me we excited the car and the girls called me over " if him look pan yo too hard we gang him and run ok " aliyah and and i laugh

we walked over and the girls went to their man and i just stood their waiting on them to finish odane walked over me and gave me a side hug

" wah gwan sis " i told him im ok and he left and jay did the same " wah gwan shit face " he said hugging me and a tear left my eye and i quicly whiped it " wah gwan destiny " i said and he pulled away and i laugh "no no no why pan dat " we continued our little conversation then he left so i was their just standing alone againg


from she come me no stop watch her me know she feel me a look pan her she looks emotionless how my face would normally look , been a check her status and ig story but only thing she post a " too good fi some a uno" shades she a throw shades pan me smh and nobody cya tell me seh when jay hug her she neva did a ball

i sigh and walked over to her i smelled my perfume i smiled she pretty yo fuck me really fuck up

" yo good" i asked she look at me for a second before answering " yh u"

" no but me have life " i said and she looked at me and said oh ok i tried my best not to say nothing to make her upset but mi just wah tell r bout how me miss r i sigh

" wah bout junior " i said and she looked at me and laugh " my baby is and girl shes doing well" i smiled still full a attitude

" why my perfume long time mia look fi it " i said to her it was a lie i left it in her bathroom not sure where but its in their

" its the only one she can tolerate " she said with a sigh and i smiled my son that eno oh i forgot i got her her weekly supplie of pregnancy craving

" mia go fi somthing fi yo and fwd " i said " whats that " she asked and i shooked my head smiling i ran in said took the bag from the table and ran out back

i gave it to her and she did a little dance " thank she said hugging me and i looked at her in shock but hugged her back

she pulled way looking down " thaanks umm them a wait fi mi so bye " she said walikg away to her car and i waled back in side to see jay and odane at me "a wah uno love man " a asked walking past them

" we have somthing fi talk to yo bout " jay said and i walked over to them the truth shall set you free

"wah gwan between you and neka cause a cya me and jay alone see haer face expresion and when jay hug her wata leff r eye" odane asked and jay looked at me for on answer

" we leff" i siad taking a sip of whats in my cup and jay sat up

"waah gwan " jay ask

i sigh and placed down my cup

"so about 3 or 4 week ago we did get inna wah augment me drive out and she drive out right after me but she go home and me go up a one a me lounge dem me see a catty and kim HQ people me did drunk but dat no say so me bring them a one me apartment dem fuck dem and leff money as usaual the next girl satisfy but kim no stop call down me phone mi bout 4 number and 6 instagram page so me did have wah meeting up a kim poeple them place cause me partner with yo know mi did tell keneka seh she can come but me neva know say regular staff did ago in the meeting but wah me neva also know keneka use to work up their and she and kim no chat so the meeting done keneka gone a bathroom and kim take it as a chance she approach me and start talk bout how we fuck when me have oman but keneka did deh behined we remember a father p neice so she well train so me neva hear her but wah weird she no cuss nor nothing and a that mek me fraid cause all when we reach home all the do go fi r imprtant documents she left evey thing wah mi buy all the new mapbook she seh mi free and we can comunicate as friends and if any thing important come up bout the baby she will call r text and me can vist the baby anytime me wants " i said then exhale while they just sat their looking at me

"bro yo fuck up" odance manage to say while jay sat their look out of space

" wah yo seh no emotion " jay asked and i nod

"yo remeber when kianna did just down high school and the bwoy did violate her and she did emotion less as yo hug r she ball and the omand did seh a depresss she depress " jay said and i froze why me neva did a thinl bout hat shit
they lecture me a bit more before they left and i sat their looking into space i havent been to the house from thr day seh left i shigh and chugged the liquid in my cup

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