Chapter 6: Trust Me

Start from the beginning

"Wait, so you can actually... like talk to these guys? Is that why they aren't scared of you?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Maybe? I helped a couple of them before and we sorta talked a bit. Ever since, all of them would kinda follow me around and help me get through some places." He turned towards the other cautious nomes and gestured for them to come over. "It's okay guys! Mono's friendly!"

He turned to me and put on a serious yet kind of joking face. "You're friendly right?"

"As long as they don't try to kill me then sure," I answered. With that, the nomes ran towards Seven and jumped on him, pushing him back to the floor as he began to laugh again. "Guys, stop, it's okay, I missed you too." And then they started... talking I guess. They began to let out these small yet sharp chirps which I couldn't understand. Yet somehow, Seven was full on having a conversation with these guys.

"I have no idea." *chirp* "I know it's crazy! I'm a human again!" *chirp* "Oh yeah, this is Mono," he said pointing at me. "I don't know how, but he brought me back." And then they all looked at me.

"Why are they..." I started until a couple of the nomes walked up to me, poking around my feet and legs. 

"I think they're just getting to know and trust you," Seven said, before changing the subject. "The nomes were so sad when the Lady turned me into one of them. They were really hoping I'd escape." 

"Wait... every single one of these guys used to be a kid?" I asked. Suddenly I didn't feel so uncomfortable around them, but that still didn't mean I wanted them to be exploring my legs as if I was some sort of artifact. I gently picked up some of them and placed them a bit farther away from me. 

"Yep, all of them turned into ones by the Lady. I told you she was dangerous." A part of me was worried about facing her, but another part of me wasn't. She didn't know that the Thin Man's power was flowing inside of me, and she had no idea what the extent of it was. Even I didn't. Seven had no idea about any of that though, so it makes sense he'd be nervous. 

All I could really say back was, "I'm sure we'll find a way." I wasn't exactly ready to trust him yet with all that Thin Man stuff, despite him also having a grudge against Six. He seemed nice and all, hell he seemed great, but so had Six. And I'm wasn't about to let life repeat itself. 

It seemed like we were gonna be here a while though while Seven caught up with his... nome friends. Honestly, I didn't mind. We had been walking for over 2 hours and I was exhausted. I was gonna take any chance to have a break. I sat down and watched the nomes hugging and talking with Seven. 

I remembered how I felt when I saw the dead one in the other room. It was so... odd and confusing. I felt distressed and... sad? Like I had lost a friend. I also have no idea how my power was able to bring him back, it's like I had just completely lost control over it and... it took control of me. Everything about today just confused the heck out of me, honestly it felt like the longest day ever. But then, as if he knew what I was thinking, Seven said the best thing I'd heard in a while. 

"We can sleep here for a while, the nomes won't hurt us. We can keep going when we wake up." I don't even think I let him finish talking before I set my bagged head on the ground and closed my eyes. 

[Seven's POV, the next day]

We finally reached the room that we kids call the Intersection, since it has three main pathways leading to different areas of the Maw. The one we were going through however lead straight to the kitchen, where the twin chefs would be. "Okay, we're almost at the kitchen," I told Mono, who was about 5 meters behind me. "We just have to go through a couple more hallways and a bridge."

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