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Taylor and I had the convosation and she refused to let me pay since they're her cats and her responsibility. She is a billionaire but I don't see her as s bag of money so I was quite hesitant in agreeing. She picked out a pale blue and fluffy bed aswell as a cat tree since she's expecting to stay for all of Christmas and a little after that. She picks out her cats food which has a green package instead of purple which makes her hesitate but she makes sure it's the same one and gets it along with a few toys, food bowls, litter tray and litter, extra until she catches a flas from the window.

The paparazzi are here. Isn't that fucking amazing.

She quickly grabs some treats and then we head to the check out to pay. She taps her phone to the machine and it immediately ticks with approval to the payment.

We have a sort of routine to make the pics of taylor to a limit when she doesn't want them taken. She gets in the front while I put the stuff in the back.

Just before the paps arrive, I drive off and back down the country lanes. "Phew, thank god we got away when we did." I sigh to see that taylors asleep. I feel like I should let her sleep but i know that her jet lag will be ten times worse if I do.

"Tay?" I ask softly and she opens her eyes, smiling. "Sorry, I just didn't want your jet lag to worsen." I apologise.

"If rather be tired than have a shit sleep schedule for Christmas." She assures me that it's fine.

"So, I mean, there's still a lot we don't know so is it alright I'd we, sort of, got to know each other?" I ask while watching the road but seeing her sit up at the suggestion.

"Of course!" She says so I ask a question.

"What's on your bucket list?" She thinks about my question for a moment before answering.

"To travel the world. I mean, I've already gone to loads of different places because of the eras tour but, like, I wanna go to really exotic places, places that most people don't go to." As she finishes, That sounds amazing.

"Mines probably things like bungee jumping, skydiving, those kind of things because even though I'll probably hate it in the moment, most people don't do it and it'll be a pretty unique thing to do." She also seems satisfied with my answer so she, this time, asks the question.

"Favourite movie?" As she says this, I sigh. That's a hard one.

"Uhm... I loved... the cats movie," I give her smirk as I say it.

"No you didn't that was a shit movie." I let out a laugh at that comment considering she was in it.

"Favourite animal?" I ask and she replies instantly.

"Cats." I nod in agreement before we fall into a comfortable silence for the rest of the journey.

As we get out of the car, she holds a few bags and I hold the others.

As we head through the door, we place the bags down and take off our shoes since they're wet from the snow. We pick the bags back up and go up the stairs to the room where the cats are and open the door to see meredith loafing and asleep on the windowsill, Olivia curled up on the bed, her eyes opening as we go through the door.

Meredith gets up and makes a sort of demonic sound making me laugh breathily as she walks towards taylor, meowing angrily.

"I'm sorry." Taylor coos to the cats before putting the bags down and opening the door so that they can rane free around the large cottage. Olivia looks at the open door and debates leaving but just curls back up.

Taylor stretches and takes the food and drink bowls. "Where should we put them?" She asks and I shrug.

"Where do you usually have them?" She thinks for a moment then responds.

"The kitchen."

"Then we should put them there." She smiles and I take her hand guiding her to the kitchen.

(A/N: I can't be bothered to describe it so heres a photo at the top.)

I put on some peppermint tea as taulor gives the cats some food and treats.

"I'm starving," Taylor says and I nod in agreement.

"Me too." I say while going on my phone and clicking on deliveroo. "Fish and chips?" She looks confused for a second before realising that chips are the name for what she calls fries.

"I mean, I'm in the UK, I might aswell go full on." She laughs and so I order it before guiding her towards the living room.

"You wanna watch cheesy romcoms until the food arrives?" I ask and she smiles sweetly.

"Y'know, to say that you've only known me for a short period of time, you know me very well." She says and I laugh.

"And its an honour to k ow you. Taylor." I smile while blushing and sitting down on the sofa opposite the tv, grabbing the remote and putting netflix on.

Around halfway through the soppy movie, I catch taylor looking at me so I smile at her.

"What?" I laugh.

"I'm just so lucky to have an amazing, beautiful person like you in my life." I blush loads before cupping her face and smashing my mouth onto hers, starting a deep and passionate kiss that goes on into a full on makeout session, our bodies pushing and pulling in almost a rythmatic way.

A ding sounds at the door as we slowly pull apart, me getting up to go and answer it.

This must be the delivery man.

But when I open the door, I see the horrifying g sight of someone I thought I'd never have to see again. My father.

"Ayup sweetheart."

wildest dreams | taylor X Girl OC.Where stories live. Discover now