Chapter 33

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"Is there trouble brewing in the capital?" Kaizen inquired.

"No, everything seems fine," Vellian responded, handing over the report from the capital. All was seemingly well within the city.

Following a moment of silence, Kaizen posed a significant question. "And how is that?"

Vellian, understanding the subject without needing further clarification, lowered his voice slightly. "The Duke of Reston has been discreetly sending funds to the West."

Despite the Duke's careful actions, he was unknowingly falling into a trap. His activities, including the financial support he was providing, were being meticulously reported to Kaizen's side, courtesy of an embedded spy.

The situation was becoming complex. Earlier, Kaizen had aimed to bide time, allowing the Duke to walk into the trap set for him. However, things were shifting, and the Duke's actions were complicating matters.

'The Emperor seems to be drawn towards Lady Astelle now.'

In the midst of the Duke of Reston's preparations for treason in the capital and the unfolding trap, Vellian found himself perplexed about the unfolding situation. His thoughts turned to Lady Astelle's future should the Duke be executed for treason.

The Emperor historically didn't show clemency to traitorous families. Those involved in rebellion, particularly from the northern families, met severe consequences. Men were executed, while women and children faced a similar fate or were sent to convents.

But Astelle was different; the Emperor held a soft spot for her. If the Duke met his end, Astelle might lead a relatively peaceful life in the eastern countryside. However, branded as the daughter of a traitor, her social standing in the capital's elite circles would suffer. It would likely become impossible for her to return to the imperial palace, let alone become empress again.

Vellian pondered the implications, casting a complicated glance toward the Emperor, who sat silently.

Suddenly, Kaizen, maintaining his composure, issued an unexpected order. "Send the commander of the Lanberg Knight to the North."


"Dispatch some knights to bolster the security in the north."

Understanding Kaizen's strategy, Vellian saw the tactical implications. The Lanberg Knights held significant influence in the capital, and their movement outside the city could be perceived as an opportunity by the Duke for accelerating his rebellion.

'You mean to provoke the Duke and expedite his rebellion,'

Vellian realized, acknowledging Kaizen's plan. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Kaizen remained silent, absorbing the implications.

Vellian shifted the topic, trying to lighten the mood. "Sir Laudrick, who manages the castle, has organized a banquet and a ball."

"A banquet?"

"Yes, a celebration and ball in honor of Your Majesty's visit," Vellian explained. Unlike Maern Castle, this city had aristocrats and nobles nearby, eager to meet the Emperor and thus organized this welcoming event.

However, Kaizen firmly rejected it. "I don't need useless events. There's no need for such frivolity."

Kaizen abruptly stopped handing over the documents. "I suppose the ball will be acceptable."

"Pardon?" Vellian asked, somewhat taken aback by the sudden change in decision.

'Why the sudden change? You've always detested such events.'

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