44. Nightmare Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Damn! You've got some spitfire now." Drake laughed, still standing above me. "Honestly, at first, I had thought you killed yourself. Imagine my surprise when I saw you had just been 'kidnapped'. Did your father sell you to him?"

I glared, disgusted by the idea. Of course, I had thought the same thing when I was first taken. Others who once bought me likely thought it as well. But Nick wasn't like that. He didn't buy my loyalty.

Just as I was about to defend Nick, Drake's eyes locked onto the chain connected to my collar. I quickly reached for it, but he was faster. With a forceful yank, I stumbled and fell, landing on my stomach at his feet. A sharp pain radiated from my neck, leaving me paralyzed with fear. I stared at his mud-covered boots in disbelief. Did he walk here? How did he even find me here? This couldn't be happening. Out of all the people, it had to be him? What was he doing here?

"This is convenient!" Drake chimed, swinging the rope like he was holding one end of a jump rope.

Drake lifted his muddy boot and rested it on top of my head. The weight of it pressed down, making it a struggle to maintain eye contact. His heel dug into my scalp and he increased the pressure, pushing down until my face hit the concrete. He forced my face sideways so that I could still look up as he used his boot to grind my cheek into the floor. The rough texture scraped against my cheek painfully.

"You're so fucking pathetic." Drake chuckled as he casually used my shoulder to clean the mud off his boots. My heart sank at the sight of Nick's once pristine shirt being dirtied in such a disrespectful manner. I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness as I kept my head lowered in submission.

Images flashed in my mind of the endless tortures that Drake put me through in the past. The bullying he did in the halls of our school, the fun he had while in the privacy of my dads home. 'Play dates' my father called them. Drakes father would have his fun with me and then Drake would. We were so young. It was horrible. How had Drake known to be so cruel? He wasn't even shy when it came to using a knife on me. My eyes were squeezed shut as the memories overwhelmed me. It was hard to breath and my chest felt like a huge hand were squeezing it. It couldn't be real. How could Drake be here?

In the deafening silence, I slowly realized that nothing was touching me. Was it all just a dream? Fear coursed through my body, making my breaths shallow and rapid. I strained my ears, but there was no sound of anyone else in the room. Maybe it wasn't real. Maybe Drake wasn't actually here. With a glimmer of hope, I cautiously opened my eyes, desperately wishing that this was all just a nightmare. But there he was, still looming above me, a wicked grin plastered on his face. The sickening feeling in my gut grew stronger.

"Hey... You've grown," he remarked, his eyes scanning me from head to toe. He placed his foot below my jaw, forcing my gaze upwards, as if he wanted a better look at my body. Despite my clothes, it was clear that I had gained some muscle. "You don't look as disgusting," he sneered. I swallowed hard, too terrified to utter a single word. "WHY?" he erupted, causing me to flinch in fear.

"I don't know." I said, my voice cracking.

I had wondered if my body changed because of the happiness I felt while in Nicks care. Had that finally let my underdeveloped body progress? I thought my growth was stunted or something while in my fathers care. It used to be so hard for me to heal from anything. I was so cold. But with Nick, I was better. I didn't want to tell Drake that, though.

"Sit up," he calmly instructed, and I complied. "You don't deserve his love. It sickens me to see how much Nick dotes on you." He pressed his boot against my shoulder, pinning me firmly against the wall. I couldn't help but glance down at the ground, my heart sinking.

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