Playfully he argued, "But it should be, right? Husband and wife, sharing a bed."

Scolding him, "Arjun, stop behaving like a child. Go to your cabin and sleep."

Arjun, couldn't resist pushing the boundaries that I had set up. Taunting me again, "Come on, Shruthi, admit it. You loved it when we shared a bed."

Scoffing, "Oh, please. That was a one-time thing, and you were practically sleepwalking with all the alcohol in your system."

Grinning, he pointed out, "I beg to differ. It was a bonding experience."

Rolling my eyes, "Bonding? What a joke! It was a fluke, and you know it."

Mockingly hurt he placed a hand over his heart, "You wound me, Angel. I thought we had a connection."

Suppressing a smile, I countered back, "The only connection we had that night was you tripping over the chair on your way to bed."

Laughing he said, "Details, details. The point is, we can recreate that magic."

Shaking my head, "Not happening. Go to your cabin."

He took a dramatic step back, holding the bedsheet like a knight's cape. "Very well, my queen. But know that you're missing out on the legendary comfort of me."

Pushing him, "Legendary, my foot. Goodnight, Arjun."

As he retreated with a mock bow, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of our exchanges.

He grinned mischievously, snatching his bedsheet. "Fine, fine. But you're missing out on the best sleep ever."

With a theatrical sigh, I pushed him toward his cabin, the absurdity of the situation not lost on me. As he disappeared into his cabin, bedsheet in hand, I couldn't help but chuckle at the amusing dynamics that defined our peculiar relationship. Who knew that the simple act of debating over a bed could become such a source of amusement?

The soft rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day. In the room as I was getting ready for work, I couldn't help but notice a rare occurrence, Arjun was up early. I usually left before he even got up but today he was in the shower before I was even awake. I observed him navigating the choices in his wardrobe.

"Well, well, looks like someone decided to join the land of the living before noon," I teased, a playful glint in my eyes as I took in his attempts at coherence.

With mock offense, he replied, "I'll have you know, waking up early is a rare talent reserved for special occasions."

Raising an eyebrow, "Special occasion? Do tell."

Smirking he replied, "The occasion being that I have a beautiful wife to impress."

Chuckling I said, "Nice try, Arjun. I doubt anyone can be impressed by your morning charm."

Pretending to be hurt, he came closer to me, "Ouch, right in the feels. I thought my bedhead look was all the rage."

I put a hand on his chest pushing him away, "Maybe in a parallel universe. Now, hurry up or you'll be late for this special occasion."

As we both finished up breakfast quickly and got ready to leave for work, Arjun offered to drop me off at work.

With a friendly grin, gesturing to himself, "Angel, why bother with cabs or buses? You have your personal chauffeur right here. Let me drop you off."

The offer hung in the air, and for a moment, I hesitated. There was an unspoken invitation in his eyes. Arjun's gesture seemed to carry a thread of vulnerability, a bridge he was extending in the form of a simple ride to work.

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