Chapter 30 : Missing His Wife.

Start from the beginning

Faisal tightened a screw on the bed frame, "Look, man, changing someone's feelings isn't like assembling furniture. It's way more complicated."

Ibrahim grunted in agreement, holding a wooden plank in place. "Tell me about it. If only relationships were as straightforward as this bed."

 "But hey, sometimes, assembling the parts right can make a big difference. Maybe you need to show Ava a different side of you. Be more considerate, understanding." Faisal told while laughing. 

Ibrahim raised an eyebrow, "Understanding? Faisal, I'm running a mafia, not a therapy clinic."

Faisal grinned, "I'm not saying turn into a saint, just... be a bit more human. Show her you care about more than just being the boss."

As they worked on the bed, Faisal continued, "Ava's been through a lot. Maybe she needs to see a side of you that's not all business and control. Be patient; give her time."

Ibrahim sighed, placing the mattress on the bed frame. "I'm not good at this, Faisal. I've never had to win someone over."

Faisal patted his shoulder, "Well, there's a first time for everything. Just be genuine, Ibrahim. Show her there's more to you than meets the eye."


The cozy apartment was filled with the soft glow of the movie playing on the TV. Ava and Elara were engrossed in the film when Elara suddenly stood up, disappearing into the room. Ava glanced at him with curiosity.

Elara returned, holding his tablet. He sat beside Ava and tapped on the screen to bring up a collection of pictures.

Ava looked at the images on the tablet. They were pictures of beautiful necklaces Each unique in its design and they were from high end brands. 

She raised an eyebrow at Elara, "What's all this?"

Elara grinned, "Remember the necklace I gifted you at your wedding? Those were from the savings of our parents. I didn't have much money back then, but I wanted you to have something special."

Ava's eyes softened as she recalled her wedding day. Though It was a simple wedding, but Elara bore the entire things for Ava. From Wedding dress to Jewellery, from make up to heels. She didn't use any products from Rahman's that day. 

"Now," Elara continued, "I want you to pick one. I have enough to get you a new piece."

Ava shook her head, "Elara, you don't have to do that. I'm here to spend time with you, not for gifts."

Elara placed the tablet in front of her, "Ava, it's not about having to. It's about wanting to. I want to do this for you. You will remember it as a gift from me." 

Ava sighed. She started scrolling through the images. All necklaces are beautiful. She got literally confused what to choose.

Finally, she pointed to one, a delicate silver necklace with a small pendant. "This one," she said, "but only if you promise not to spend too much."

Elara chuckled, "Deal. This is my way of thanking you for coming here, Ava. It means a lot to me."

They continued to watch the movie but there was something going on in Elara's mind. Elara looked at Ava and asked,"Ava, are you happy with Ibrahim?"

Ava turned at Elara. She wasn't expecting the question now. She glanced away, focusing on the movie. "Yes, Elara. He's a perfect husband, he is... unique, and I'm learning to appreciate his... uniqueness." she said, adding a tinge of mockery to her words. Internally, she cursed Ibrahim for the complicated situation she found herself in.

Elara raised an eyebrow, "Uniqueness?" 

Ava chuckled, "Well, he's very determined, knows what he wants, and has his own way of showing affection. Sometimes it's hard to understand, but deep down, I think he cares in his own 'unique' way."

Elara leaned back, his gaze penetrating. "Really?"

Ava looked at Elara, "Yes, Brother. He has his own way of showing affection. Underneath that tough exterior, there's a side of him that cares and he tries his best to make me comfortable."

Internally, Ava shook her head at the irony of her words. She couldn't reveal the true nature of her relationship with Ibrahim to Elara.

Elara's eyes held a hint of concern, "Ava, if there's anything you want to share or discuss, you know I'm here for you, right?"

Ava nodded, appreciating her brother's concern. "I know, Elara. And thank you for being there for me, but things between us are fine."


Ava lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to believe the words she had spoken to Elara. Praising Ibrahim felt like a betrayal to her true feelings, a mask she wore to protect herself from the reality of her forced marriage. 

She tossed and turned. She couldn't able to sleep. 

"Why did I say those things? Shit." she whispered to herself.

She couldn't burden him with the harsh reality of her life with Ibrahim. But as she lay alone in the quiet apartment, the facade she maintained for her brother began to crumble.

She stared at the balcony, lost in her thoughts, when she noticed a figure entering. Her heart raced as she approached the balcony cautiously, and to her astonishment, it was Ibrahim.

And Her mouth fell open.......
 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗Hehe. Give Your reviews Please.😋🥰

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