Chapter 2: J High School

Start from the beginning

He flashes a genuine smile that made the majority of the girls in the class to swoon over him. 
Crap, should not have done that.

"Anyway, My name is Haneul Geum, nice to meet you, classmates" I lowered my head slightly to greet them all. I should display this much courtesy. I don't want to give them a bad first impression. The classroom broke into a series of murmur and whispers. I can hear their voices even from here.

"Hey, you don't think he's that 'Haneul' right?"

"I mean he might be"

"No, he totally is! There's only one Haneul in our entire school!"

"You mean the one that name that never leaves first place on the leader board?!"

"I don't know 'bout ya'll but he can step on me any time and I'd say thank you!"

Whatever they say about me, I decided to ignore it. Except that last one, it was quite shocking to hear someone would say that out loud. I have a feeling that they deliberately meant it for me to hear. 

The teacher enters the class and sees me, "Ah, good. Haneul, you decided to attend classes now" I could feel the sarcasm in his tone.

"Of course I should, I know very well that my behavior last year was inexcusable for a student, and I would like to make up for it this year"

"Hm, good. Go and take a seat" I gave a nod and returned to my rightful seat, right next to Jay. 

"Thanks for holding out my seat, Jay" I whisper to him, he just smiles and nods his head, but even so, its as if I could hear what he wanted to say. 

'Your Welcome'

If it wasn't for the system, I might not even get to know what Jay was saying in the first place. I have Hyeon to thank for that. Class then starts, but it was more like the teacher giving a welcoming speech and talking about their good old days. The other students were looking bored as well, after a while I kind of just tuned him out and directed my attention to Jay. 

"So, what happened while I was away? Anything exciting on?" I whisper to him

'There was a transfer student'

"A transferee you say"

he nods 'His name is Daniel Park and he's a good guy, everyone likes him'

"Why, is he hot?" I teased, Jay I presume to have widened his eyes taken aback by what I said and waved his hands. I chuckled, and pat his head. A gesture that he allowed me to do for the time that I've known him.

"Don't stress, no matter how cute he might be. He wouldn't be as cute as you" I reassure. After a while, Jay has gotten used to my flirty behavior, but I wasn't lying, Jay is a such a cute cinnamon roll I can't help myself but tease him sometimes. I can't see his face clearly but I believe he is blushing, how adorable.

J High School was filled with new faces and revitalized. With the new batch of freshman's of this year, and at the bottom of J High Schools Animation Department, was no exception. 

While every other department had some sort of bad blood between then, they were too absorved in their own world. Completely alone in their own peace and serenity.

In their own little world...

The tip of my pencil snapped as I pressed onto it too hard whilst taking notes. I stopped writing. I was so lost in thought I barely noticed it. Now that we're second years, that guy would've probably transferred to J High. As well as the start of a lot of complicated arcs. 

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