Chapter 2

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I quickly got dressed in my casual clothes that I would normally wear for dinner, which was a regular coat and slacks, then i rushed out of the door and locked it behind me. I kept an eye on the time by my old miniature clock that my father gave me when I was about 10 years old. He told me it had a purpose, but he wasn't sure about what it was exactly.

All that I knew about the clock was that it had these ancient relics on them that must of come from some type of witch or something. And the face of the clock had distinguished gears on them that could be easily seen just by looking at it carefully.

It was a quarter till 6:00 till I finally got to the restaurant that I normally go to have dinner with my parents. It was about 2 miles from where I lived. And it was in the center of town, so that kind of sucked to put into terms when you think about traffic with the crowds.

My father pulls out his own miniature clock from his pocket and reads the time, "5:45 P.M., you're late." He say's sternly. My dad was a time manager when it came to things like this, when he wants something done. We make sure he get's it done in a certain time and in a certain way.

"Sorry, I was caught up in something." I said pulling up a chair and sitting down in it.

My father was dressed in a formal suit that was nice with out any wrinkles in it. He was about fourty-something years old, but looked like he was in his mid thirties, and was only like 5'10". He parts his hair to the left side because that's what the elite squadron do when they are the leaders of it. It's supposed to distinguish the difference between the leaders and the rest of the crew.

"Really? You were supposed to be here about twenty-five minutes ago, what the heck were you thinking of keeping us waiting here and not letting us eat?" My dad asks, one eye-brow raised.

"Don't be so harsh on him, Bart, he was probably doing something that caught up with him." My mother tells my father.

My mother was dressed in an evening blouse that had vibrant colors, her favortie. She was fourty-five years old and still looked like she could be in her mid thirties. She's a very nice woman and was very helpful with multiple things in her life, like her kids, her husband, and her job. She wasn't as much of a time manager like my father, but she knew when the proper time is to be on time and when is a reasonable time to be late. Her taste in fashion was a little different than my fathers taste, which her's was more flamboyant, and his was proper.

"Yeah." I said. There was a pause for a little bit, and then I ask, "So, how's everything? Heard anything about the latest plot that Demon Flynn is up to this time, dad? And has the kings wanted another temple for their desire yet, Mom?"

My dad looks at me for a bit, then he say's, "We haven't heard or seen Demon Flynn in a while, not even from his minions that he normally sends out to do a search on the perimeter of the city," He say's, sounding all proper in his uniform. That what was the only thing that my father has to do when in uniform, sound proper and be all mature and all that.

"We've been sending out scouts to locate his exact position to see if he's even still alive." He continues, "But they've all ended up with the same result, alive and secure."

"Ah, ok. And you mom?" I asked.

"Well, the kings have been very slow since the new era came about in play," She says. "They have been asking for something, but they don't know what though, they have plenty of temples to last them an eternity, but they feel they should include one more. They just need some convincing to do so."

"So they haven't been the usual self since the new era, eh?

"Yeah, but we have some exciting news for you, son." My father says, sounding sarcastically enthusiastic.

"Yeah, what is it?" I ask, in confusion. I wasn't expecting this dinner to go from just a dinner to a surprise that awaits me.

Now this is where the course of my families history will change for years to come.

"You know how you've always wanted to be a part of this, warrior tournament that occurs every year at the temple of the Ultimate worrior?" My mother asks.

"Yeah? What about it?" I ask.

My father reaches into his coat and pulls out a slip of paper and hands it to me. "Read it." He demands. I was hesitant of grabbing it, but then I reached out for it, and took it from his hands.

The paper had a stamp on it that was the Temple of The Ultimate Samurai logo on it, and (still a little confused) open it with care, and read it. It said:
Congratulations Mr. Kylan Valkyrie:
You are officially qualified to participate in the all favored, well known Tournament of The Ultimate Samurai competition. You have approximately three days to get to the Temple of The Ultimate Samurai within a total of 5-6 business days. If you don't make it to that temple within those days, you will be cut from the Tournament. You must bring these items......

In shock, I look at my parents, then at the letter, then back at my parents. I finally ask, "How. The. Heck. Did. You. Get this?"

Now for most of you who don't know, The Tournament of The Ultimate Samurai is the top notch Samurai competition that I've always dreamed of doing, it's the first step of becoming an Elite Squadron was completing the Ultimate Samurai Competition and scoring a high score than any other competitor in the tournament.

"We've known how much this competition meant to you, and we've known how much you've wanted to be part of my Elite Squadron, so we've decided to sign you up and gave you the advantage we could take. What do you think?" My father says.

At first I didn't hear my father, that's why I said this, "Huh?"

My father repeats, "What do you think?"

"I love it!" I said, then I added, "But I don't have a horse, how will I get to the tournament in time? It's like a total of 10 days to get to the temple, how will I get there in time?"

My mother and father look at each other, then at me, then my mother told me this, "We, your father and I, bought you a horse."

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