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adrian pov

I woke up to the smell of of ackee mommy deh yah?

Oh rass keneka is here I smiled at the thought I got up made the bed brushed my teeth then shower

Heading down the stairs I could here skippa playing loudly from the TV

Mumma love skippa yf

I walked up behind her placed my head in her neck and hands around her belly
"Moring mah" I said my voice coming out a little ruff

"Mo- morning " she said you could hear the smile in her voice I smirk horny she horny Eno

I walked around and sat at the Island patently waiting for her to plate my food while using my phone me brother want me fi link him n mommy him live right beside a mommy 1 stone killa two bird

"Tea or juice " she ask pulling me out of my thoughts and I told her juice

Hearing my plate being place infront of me I looked up from my phone and raised a brow

"Yo fi drink tea" she said then walked off
Mommy twin this I whispered to my self

After a short while she joined me and we ate in comfortable silence

I volunteer to do the dishes and she said she was going to load the washer I told her the helpers will do it but she insisted on doing it

After about 10 minutes I saw her walking from out back looking tired as hell I hissed tell her eno

I sat around the kitchen island " come here" I said stern and she pouted know wah she do

" wah me tell you "


" no but me ,mi never say don't now look at you stop stress mi youth " I said in a soft voice not to friten her too much

"OK nah dweet again but today a Sunday n a wah me use to by the way wah you want for dinner " she explained the ask her question

"Understable oh we a go over mommy you don't have to cook " I replied



Me and this girl a watch movie and a wol a reason right  she ago bring up something from one addi foolish she always a read on her phone wah it name man wattpad or watthad I don't know bout she read sehthe guy in the book cheated and the girl put Epson salt in the food and a come talk bout a that she should than do me

Just broke man mood

" but bebe he's the one worng so how yah blame she " she laughed

"Why she put that in there " I argued back

"Cho me done argue eno" she said still laughing

I looked at my phone and saw it was almost 2:00 it time to head out

" Come mek we get ready" I said she got up and I slaped her ass "that hat " she said and I smirk

"Stop gwan like you no like it " I said and she smiled walking away shyly

I walked to the kitchen to place the items we used down when I got to our room she was already in the shower I smirk at my thoughts I joined her

"Quickie " I ask

" Adrian we both know we are going to be late so no "  I gave her a fake sad look

"10 minutes " she said and I smirk


Keneka pov

10 minutes turned into 20 and 20 turned into 2 hours almost 3:30 ago stop mek me front rule me

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