Chapter 59

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A faint sound, a sigh that could have been laughter or regret, reached Astelle's ears. Kaizen continued to gaze intently at her, seemingly wanting to say something more. However, in the end, he remained silent.

He turned away and spoke in a composed manner. "I will arrange for a carriage and an escort to be sent to you tomorrow morning. If you need anything else, please inform the servant."

Astelle turned around, offering her final expression of gratitude to Kaizen. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she uttered, her voice filled with a sense of finality.

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"Princess Astelle," a voice called out to her as Astelle prepared to leave the temple, having parted ways with Kaizen. She turned to see a middle-aged nobleman with long, dark brown hair approaching her. He was one of the ministers who had been present during the signing of the will.

Despite his age, the nobleman possessed a well-groomed appearance, with a gentle and slightly innocent expression on his face. He bowed respectfully before Astelle. "It is an honor to meet you, Lady," he greeted her with politeness.

Astelle, slightly taken aback, asked, "Excuse me, but who..."

"Oh, my apologies for not introducing myself earlier," the nobleman interjected. "I am Count Ecklen, the Minister of the Military."

Recognition dawned upon Astelle as she realized who he was. "Ah, Count Ecklen, the Minister of the Military? You are known to be Sir Seibel's adoptive father," she recalled.

In a gesture of respect, Astelle also offered a slight bow in return. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Count Ecklen."

"The honor is mine. I have also heard much about you," Count Ecklen responded, his expression reflecting a sense of respect.

Astelle recalled that her grandfather had mentioned Count Ecklen as his former lieutenant. However, there had always been a sense of ambiguity surrounding her grandfather's attitude towards him.

When Astelle had come to the capital, she had questioned her grandfather about his reaction upon hearing Count Ecklen's name. Her grandfather had dismissed it as a simple matter, stating that Count Ecklen had been his lieutenant but things hadn't ended well, leading to his dismissal.

Astelle had sensed that there was more to the story, but her grandfather had seemed intent on keeping it hidden. Respectful of his wishes, she hadn't pressed further.

Count Ecklen asked about Astelle's grandfather with a concerned expression. "How is the Marquis? I heard that he hasn't been feeling well," he asked.

"He has fully recovered now," Astelle replied, though in truth, her grandfather had never been unwell.

"I'm glad to hear that. I had hoped to pay him a visit and offer my greetings. Would it be possible for me to come to the mansion and see him?" Count Ecklen requested.

Astelle's expression turned apologetic as she responded, "I apologize, but we will be departing early tomorrow morning. I must pack my belongings today, so I won't be able to accommodate any guests. I'm truly sorry."

Count Ecklen reassured her, understanding the situation. His demeanor remained simple and good-natured, leaving a positive impression on Astelle.

'You seem like a good person,' Astelle remarked, her impression of Count Ecklen.

Count Ecklen possessed a commendable personality and excelled in swordsmanship. However, due to his non-noble background, he had been sent to the battlefield numerous times in his youth.

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