Chapter 13 ( The past - Blood of Jesus )

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Y/N pov :

We divided ourselves into teams as Sister Irene, Father Burke and Father Henry will be in one team that will find Blood of Christ and Other team Me, Sister Onna and Father William will be in one team as our team spread in church as sister Irene and others goes to find blood of Jesus, With us, we send everyone in their respective rooms and monastery becomes dead silence and only our footsteps echoes...We just want to keep him away from sister Irene and others until they find his weakness

Sister Irene pov :

We are searching everywhere to find blood of Jesus but it's difficult...but we got it, its floating inside a glass cage looking divine as I pick it up as I feel a sting of pain in hands...its original one but something is wrong "Fathers, we have to head back to monastery...they won't be able to hold him for so long" I said as they nodded and we rush towards monastery

While in Monastery...

Sister Onna pov :

Y/N and Sister Irene is always correct...he is overcoming us , as Y/N throw holy water on him and father William spell holy chants as powerfully and loud he could, he finally gone...but it will back..., Door opens as we look back they come back as Y/N and father William nearly faint but they control there weakness, I pray that he will get away from us as soon as possible "He won't let us live for so long..." Father William said panting...

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