After we reach the palace. The guard came to near us and opened the car door for us and bowed to us. We got up from the car and went inside the palace.

 We are going inside to meet with Eomma.

Eomma: Oh god. My daughter and son come back.

Y/n: Eomma, how are you?

I'm going near Eomma and hug her. I feel peace in her arms. Then eomma hug me too.

Eomma: Oh my daughter. I miss you so much. And after seeing you I'm full good and happy now.Taehyung, how are you my son?

Tae: Thank god. You notice me now.

Eomma: Why I don't notice you my boy. Actually Y/n is special to me. When I saw her I forgot about you.

Tae: This is not fair Eomma. Whatever I'm good. 

Eomma: Okay. So you both doing fun there?

Tae: Yes. Eomma where is Appa?

Eomma: He is go to the Mr.Lee house.

Y/n: Why?

Eomma: Talk about something. I don't know what is it. I think he go to talk about your arive. 

Tae: Why?

Eomma: He wants to talk with Y/n. So he's telling your dad the day Y/n arrives. That day he was informed that Y/n was back. Okay you both go to your room and take rest. When dinner is ready the maid calls you

After that me & Taehyung went to our room. Then I go to the bathroom for shower. 20 minutes later I came out of the bathroom. I go near to the mirror and by a towel I dry my hair. Suddenly my eyes are on my forearm. I see something on my forearm in the mirror. I see well. I see a tattoo on my forearm.

The Tattoo-

The Tattoo-

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Yes it is the tattoo. How is this come my forearm? Whatever I perfectly know about it later. But this mark looks like a symbol. Suddenly someone knocking in my door.

Maid: Princess Y/n the dinner is ready. Please come downstairs.

Y/n: Coming.

After that I went downstairs. I saw taehyung is sitting there alone.

Y/n: Where is Eomma & Appa?

Tae: They went for dinner.

Y/n: Where?

Tae: A fancy restaurant. They leave us alone to spend some quality time.

Y/n: Taehyungshii. I ask you something.

Taehyung smiling at me. And come near to me and hold my hand.

Tae: Tell me baby.

Y/n: How this mark came in my forearm?

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