Chapter 1: Social frustration

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Drinking game: Take a shot every time you read the word "mortal"

Rowan stirs her tea in the master house of Ontillius, her mentor who widely disagreed on her solution of destroying all mortals to put an end to their cycle of unending animosity and violence. And her mind is now ruminating on her recent defeat against Bombon, a mere mortal defeating a God like this is unacceptable to her wounded pride.

"Know this...Ontilius and the rest of your mortals. Their life is forever stained with the impurities of Capitalism or whatever inherently contradictory systems they hold. They incentivize violence, greed, exploitation, and every cruel act known to man. Your naivete and faith in them is damned!" She whispers as she looks at her tea as it is missing a bit of the sweet cream that she loves to add. As she is about to go upstairs she hears someone hitting the ground followed by weird slimy movement that slowly turns to soft crunching.

She goes outside and sees Ontillius getting absorbed by a human like creature. Getting sucked in the body through the man's arm extending into a large suction cup full of tiny holes as it consumes him entirely. She is in shock as she can see his body being transported to the weird man through just the arm that connects. She isn't even fazed on her master being eaten as whatever Might be a mortal!

She takes a closer look at the man, "A mortal? With otherworldy powers again?" Is her thought as the memory of her defeat is still fresh in her mind. Shock turned to anger as she assumes a fighting stance and looks at the man, his weird combination of a really elaborate and large Kasa hat with a back veil and the weird napoleonic military outfit with white pants makes Rowan assume he is somehow one of the heroes.

"This is not your place mortal, get out of here or you'll regret it" She says. but the man just looks down as the hat covers his eyes and grins with his arms spread like a frieza pose. "No need to" he says as he looks up to see her. The dramatic entrance then turning to a surprised gasp by him.

"Y-you're the...girl in my dreams!" He looks at her familiar military cap and cape. "Y-yes! Everytime I dream about destroying mortals. You always appear for some reason!"

"You are not familiar at all" Rowan says with a puzzled expression. "Oh, maybe I was younger when we met there, anyway...I am not a mortal if that is what you are thinking."

"I am the glorious Roman the divine, the Balladeer, the self-proclaimed God of destruction. I have turned into a God because of you." 

"That implies you were once a mortal. Are you?"

"Sadly yes, I am a mortal turned God, given a new form so I can erase all my limitations as a weak nimble human being."

Rowan is repulsed at that statement that she begins fighting Roman without warning. "That means you still have that shred of mortal influence in you!" Roman immediately avoids it by just stretching his body. "I have removed myself of that, never will I reach this height if, as you say. Still being influenced by my mortal past. Because I would cling to pain and hope that would abstain me from this perfection made whole!"

Rowan holds his hand and tightens it. " If so, then maybe explain yourself more. And tell me, do you still have faith in mortals?" 

Roman sighs, thinking and assuming that if this really is the girl that constantly appeared on his dreams. He may as well do so. 

"Well in my mortal days, I experienced a fatal terminal illness at a young age. My body betrayed me and in this time I get dreams based of my desires to eliminate the human species. I see you in those dreams, and I still remember that touch you gave in that very arm you are grabbing right now."

It all kicks in Rowan's mind, it may be due to the mystic cloak that she has to use whenever her frustration goes to the point where she eliminates the worst of the mortals by herself without any Angel seeing or sensing it. One of its side effects is its utilization of an unconscious realm which tends to leak out any desires of those she does not know. Which explains why the spirit consciousness of Roman tends to appear after she is done venting her hatred of mortals.

Roman continues, "And on that day, I believed that I can deprive myself of my human body, a human body that is weak, impotent, constrained by food, money, and petty politics. Constrained by systems made me more infuriated the more my sickness took hold."

Rowan releases her grip on him, "I see, well if that is the's kinda awkward explaining it. Your desires may have leaked whenever I hid myself." Rowan raises a brow and says "What do you mean?" 

"It's the energy cloaking, having it ported to an unconscious realm meant you leaked out of it."

"Ah I see now, well hehe, this really is awkward to think about next time I sleep. And I sleep for ten years as a God at times." Rowan chuckles glad that the tension has been cleared out now. Roman grins at her. "Look at me now, I have destroyed countless planets and galaxies. And all in just two hundred years. Much more than any other God did."

"You are an inspiration Rowan, and funny because I am Roman. Both our names are quite similar. I guess destiny is lovely sometimes. Or that is how being a God is better than being a puny mortal!" Roman then shows some excitement in his face as he jitters a bit. " that I am here, how about I get to know you."

Rowan looks back a bit, she is quite anxious that she has to talk with a former mortal whose consciousness slipped through just because of how much hatred he harbors. "Fine...ningen...I am Rowan the God of destruction. It is literally my job to destroy mortals that have failed to evolve. If I am not doing my job. I just sleep trying to purge my mind of the hatred I have for mortals and their cultural flaws and tendency to go to war."

Rowan then puts her hand on her own chest. "I have seen how truly vile they can become! Throughout my years as God of destruction I have seen mortals of all cultures fight and create strict hierarchies and believe that it somehow is the perfect one out there. Never mind that millions suffer under it and impoverished mortals don't get any share because those at the top just keep it and do their best to do so! And even if they fix things what then? The next generation forgets how the past succeeds and get arrogant under prosperity. Which they turn it into a system that makes more people suffer and ruin generations. This mortal cycle I keep despairing on. It won't end."

Roman tips his hat "So we're on the same page then, the extermination of mortals!" He extends his hand. "I knew the day would come when someone will agree with me." 

Both shake hands and embrace each other. Smirking as they pat each other in the back. Two incarnations of the same person with completely different backgrounds sharing the same sentiment. 

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