Y/N: Well at least it's something, literally..

???: ....But then again, how can I blame you? I mean, I caught you off guard. It had to happen -- you could even say I deserved it huh? Besides, I've made a gallant group of new friends as a result, hehe..

Y/N: Screw that, why the hell were you hiding?

???: Well, is Captain Gepard around?.. he's an old buddy of mine..

March 7th: Who?




???: ... you're not the Silvermane Guards? Well why didn't you say so? Turns out we're in the same side after all! Pleasure to meet you, name's Sampo Koski.

Y/N: Ohh, like "Kick Wazowski"?

..silence. The four looked at Y/N.

Y/N: Ahhh, nevermind. His name just kinda reminded me of someone.

Sampo: ...ehem, anyways, why don't we join forces? I have reliable the main strength of the Silvermane Guards is being deployed to the front line. This is a golden opportunity...

Y/N: I dunno bro, kinda like, y'know, I'm kinda wanna chill, cuz, like, I ain't wasting me time on fight fr fr...


Y/N: Yeah okay fine, you didn't have to treat me with the silent treatment like my dad did, except it's invisible treatment instead...

Stelle: What businesses are you talking about?

Sampo: ...Come now, friends. I can understand the mistrust, but there's no need for the charade. Then again, I know the rules, vigilance is the name of the game in our profession. It's my fault for letting any enthusiasm and sincerity got the better of me..

Sampo: Anyway, a meeting like this has to have been written in the sta-

Y/N: Can we move on already?

A quiet chuckle voice came out of Stelle. That made Y/N's heart melt a bit.

Sampo: ..if you say so, my friend!


Sampo: Help me old friends! I don't wanna be caught!

Seems like they stumbled upon the Silvermane Guards.

Guards: It's the suspect and his accomplices! Arrest them!

March, Dan Heng and Stelle got ready, but Y/N stepped forward.


Y/N: Don't worry, I got this.

I pulled out my (weapon of choice) and started blasting/slashing the shit out of the Silvermane Guards.

As I kept ravaging the Guards (don't take it the wrong way), a different looking guard blocked my attacks. He walks slowly towards me and the others and -- hey is that a guitar case he's holding??

Gepard: I, Gepard Landau, captain of the Silvermane Guards order you to relinquish your futile resistance.

Y/N: Blud you ain't him.

Gepard: I- wha?-


I pulled out the biggest rockets I could think of and sent it to Gepard's location. And then...

Apparently it wasnt enough because Gepard was quick enough to swing his arms to create a barrier. By swinging his arms? Really dude? What's next? Is he going to summon the guards by looking at others?

Gepard: ...and the prime suspect? With the blue hair?

Y/N: You did not just ignored that bomb and decided to start small talk with the guards, are you actually him?!

Guard: Apologies, captain! W-We lost him during the pursuit. We can't find his footprints..

Gepard: sigh, no matter. We have his accomplices. He'll be close by, plotting his next move.

Stelle: We're not his accomplices.

March 7th: Yeah, we'd never team up with someone like him!

Gepard: silent stare

Y/N: sniff I think I'm catching a cold.

Stelle: I can warm you up.

Y/N: Not yet, you gotta wait next chapter or something.

Stelle: Aw.

March 7th: ... anyways, I'm not trying to talk our way out of this, but... we're not friends with that scoundrel. Did you see how fast he ditched us? We rescued him from the snow out of the kindness of our hearts.

March 7th: We had no idea he might be using us to get past you! Are you really dumb enough to fall for his..

Gepard: I'm a captain, not an adjudication panel. As a Belobog citizen, you have the right to-

Y/N: Skip, Skip skip bro when does this story get interesting-

Gepard: Take them away.


March 7th: But we're not from Belobog!

Stelle: Show him the photos, March.

Gepard: Photos?

March 7th: Ah, Stelle, you're a genius! Great idea!

Y/N: Is no one gonna thank me for helping fight this dude?

3rd Person POV

March walked towards Gepard.

March 7th: You've probably never seen what your planet looks like, right? I took this one. Behold, Jarilo-VI...

March 7th shows Gepard a picture of the ice-covered planet..

Soilder: ... you're saying...that white ball..
That's here? That's our home? How can that..

Y/N: Because it can yo, now you Gon trust us or what?

Says Y/N as he suddenly was wearing shades.

Gepard: ...it is said long ago, strablablabla..-


Gepard: Welcome to Belobog - the City of Preservation.

Y/N: Woah that's massive. Like your mo-


Chapter 1 end!

Honestly I don't even know how to write a story at first, so bear with me people

This is literally, my first book or story or whatever I have ever written

Please feel free to correct me incase of any error or spelling mistakes, again, I don't know how to write a story

Feedbacks are free to submit to help me write better stories in the future

1414 words

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