part 2 : chapter 32

Start from the beginning

I take too much time trying to translate what I wish to say and I swear I know the word but I can't remember them at all.

We finished dinner, I helped with cleaning the table.

I can say that after my discussion with russian empire, my view of her soften.

I don't consider her as a friend but it's true that she helped us greatly, so she is an acquaintance now.

Sophiya- thanks for your help, Frederick your friend told me that it's your name.

It's the first time she talks to me, and I can't reply to her.

Sophiya- are you a shy person ? Because you never interact.

I try to use hand mouvement to inform her that I can't talk in her language.

Sophiya- what are you doing with your hand ? Are you trying to tell me something ? Do you can't talk ?

I nodded.

Sophiya- poor you, to be this young and mute, and you are also stuck in a foreign country alone with your friend, your parents must be so worried about you.

Does she really think I am mute ?

Nevermind, I won't try to correct her, it would too much of a hassle to explain to her.

Sophiya- tomorrow, you and your friend will go, so have a good night sleep, you need to be in good shape, tomorrow will be a long day.

She left, just after telling what she wanted to say.

She didn't need to recap what I already know, she treats me like a child just because I look younger than her doesn't mean I am .

I am the oldest one in this house, everyone needs to stop treating me like that.

But I can't blame her, she's a human, she wouldn't believe me if I told her my real age.

I walked to my room.

I didn't find any weapons in her house.

So she is a defenceless widow that lives in a house with two flour and four bedrooms.

She seems pretty rich, and I didn't see her going to work since the day I stayed here.

The more I get to know her, the more suspicious she seems and RE already fell for her charm.

I know that he can't have feeling for her because it's impossible for a countryman to fall in love with a human.

I had the experience first hand, human may fall for us but we can only see them as pet if we have a friendship with them.

But we were obliged to marry with a human to have an heir that why we divorce the human after the kid don't need their presence anymore.

It's cruel but it worked.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't, she said my parents must be worried about me.

Does mum worry about me in heaven ?

Am I giving her a headache ?

I can only imagine.

Now they are really no chance of seeing her again because she is dead and I can't die now, I can only disappear.

I take back what I said about seeing  human as pet.

Not completely but only the bad connotations, I guess.

I saw the hours in the clock, it's 2 am.

It's late, only 6 or 5 hours left to sleep.

Suddenly a noise is coming from the back of the house, normally at this hours everyone is asleep.

I got up and made the least noise possible, I need to be discreet.

It's probably that someone got in the house but I am not sure, it's may also be Sophiya or RE going to the kitchen because they were thirsty.

I moved slowly in the dark of the night.

I heard some whispers in russian, and I am actually next to the living room, it seems I found the origin of the noise.

The window is broken, it got destroyed.

???- take everything that looks valuable.

???- pretty house.

???- stop admiring it and steal it !

???- both of you don't scream, what if we wake them up ?

???- we just have to shoot them easy peasy .

They're armed, and there's three of them, it will be hard to take care of them without revealing my identity or killing them.

I need to go to RE.

???- guys did you hear this ?

???- no, what are talking about ?

???- nothing.

A piece of glass got in my foot, I need to remove it or the glass will make noise.

It might be painful but it's ok, there's more important things to do.

I put my shirt on my mouth to block my scream, and removed it.

But now there's the blood problem.

Seriously, my luck!


Word count: 1300

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