My eyes pop open and my back straightens up when I get a notification. From Instagram, a request. A message request, specifically.


My mind is deeply rooted in the book in front of me when the front door opens up. With a reluctant sigh, I peel my attention away from the book, setting it aside with care. Taking the glasses off my nose and gently placing them on the coffee table, I walk towards the front.

My apartment is my sanctuary. My personal space. It was on my 18th birthday, a milestone marked by the excitement of moving away for college, my mom gifted me this haven—a place to call my own, away from the hustle and bustle of campus life. Anyway, Only two people had the key to my flat other than me, that was Pen and my parents.

As she sheds her jacket and kicks off her shoes, a heavy frown etches itself lines of exhaustion carving deep into her features. I watch her movements, noting the weariness in the slump of her shoulders and the heaviness in her steps.

"You didn't say you were coming by." I greet her sarcastically.

Suddenly, Pen's gaze shifts, and her eyes, tired but still sharp, lock onto mine. A startled gasp escapes her lips as she freezes in her tracks, her eyes widening with surprise.

"Fuck! Don't stand there like a ghost, Zara!" 

There's something on her face. Something I can't quite catch on.

I shrug, leaning against the wall.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing. Last night's kicking in plus Andre's being an asshole."

"He's a nice guy, you said?" I step forward as she walks into the living room.

"He is." She says in a finalising tone, falling onto the sofa.

That's all Pen says. I know her enough to not push the topic. Of course, there are secrets she likes to keep and there's no point wasting my energy on arguing because my sister likes to take secrets to the grave. She's that type of person. Releasing a sigh, I take a seat back to the place I was reading.

Wait. I suddenly remember-

"What were you talking with Val about, last night?"


"Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong, Z."

"Now tell me," She leans forward, fixating her sharp eyes on me. "Who dropped you?"

I open my mouth and then close it, looking away.

"Cherry." I blink.

Her chocolate irises burn into mine. A beat passes. I flinch as her phone starts ringing. The ringing sounds like a fire alarm in our silence, getting louder and louder. Pounding in my ears. She doesn't pick up, she keeps staring at me. A few seconds pass, as Pen slowly looks away from me and lifts the phone to her ears.

Her eyes fixate back on me.

"No Mom, yes, it's okay, we'll manage. Yes, yes."

She's listening to whatever mom's instructing on the other end of the line.

"Okay. Bye, love you."

Tossing the phone back on the couch, "Mom and Dad will be away for another week. Their business trip got extended. Something went down apparently."

I nod, looking away and leaning back on the couch. The sky view from the balcony where we're sitting on the living room couch is the best part of this house. The gorgeous sunlight is dimming and blending in with the orange-red. A few love birds settle on the railing.

Mom and Dad were always busy. They are rarely in town. Dad works in the real estate and Mom is a barrister- a commercial lawyer. But later throughout the years, they've merged and run companies going on business trips around the world. It's flourishing, their names and industries. I couldn't be more proud, after all, they're all doing it for us. Me and Pen. Our future and education. One thing my parents make top-notch and a priority.

"So Cherry dropped you?" I'm forced to look away and back to her interrogation.

"Pen, what is up with you? What are you drilling me for?"

"He dropped you, didn't he?"

"Who?" I look straight into her eyes.

One thing I hated about Pen was her similarity to Mom. I wouldn't be surprised if Mom gets an offer at the Interpol or FBI- she's a human lie detector. It's one of the reasons why she's got at what she's doing. Only a liar can differentiate between a lie and the truth. Moreover, to make my life worse, my dear older sister has picked it up. Perfectly.

"He's not good news. Mom wouldn't be happy about this."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I frown, frustration filling my nerves like acid.

"Cherry called me. She told me he dropped you." Her eyes burned into me.

"So what? Val just dropped me home! What's wrong with that?" I lash out before I can stop my mouth.

Penelope leans forward on the couch, placing her hands on her knees. I sit straighter, steeling my spine opposite her. It's a sign that she's about to start her one-hour mother speech.

"Do you know who he is?" She asks me calmly.

"It doesn't matter, I'll never see him again."

"You're right. You'll never see him again."


Thank you for reading & keep supporting 💗

What do you think Val and Pen talked about? Find out later throughout the book.

- S. <33


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