"Goodnight, Calvin." I whispered in his ear as I put him to bed.

"Wait." He said. I turned and saw him looking at me. There was a huge blush on his face. "I need to thank you for the jacket."

"Huh? Oh, it's fine." I replied. Calvin got out of the bed and stood in front of me. His pupils were slightly dilated. His brown iris looked darker, while his blue iris looked brighter.

"No, I really need to thank you." He muttered with a smirk.

"You're drunk, Calvin." I said. "Go to sleep."

"No. I don't think so." He got down on his knees.

"What are you doing?" I said as I took a step back.

"You need to relieve some stress, Alistair." His hands came up to the hem of my pants. He fiddled with the strings and loosened them.

Why wasn't I stopping him? I could easily grab his hands and stop him from doing what I knew he was going to do. But I couldn't. Partly because I was in shock, but also because part of me wanted this.

Calvin had dropped my pants. He looked up at me. Lightning flashed, and his face became illuminated for a quick second. That light seemed to have knocked me out of whatever trance I was in.

"Wait." I blurted out. I grabbed his wrists, which were on the verge of pulling my boxers down. "You need to stop."

"Okay..." He stood back up. "Night, Alistair." He leaned up and placed a small peck on my lips. Calvin stumbled over to the bed and quickly laid down.

In a quick moment, he was fast asleep.

I was still standing in the middle of the room, with my literal pants down. When I looked down, I saw that I was hard. In a quick movement, I put my pants back on and ran to my room.

As soon as I got inside, I locked the door and got on my bed. I tried to sleep, but everything that happened in the past few days has been concerning me. Normally, I could easily solve any dilemma by just thinking about the question for a while.

However, this question is puzzling me the most.

Why do I care so much?

I care too much about Calvin. I care about him when he's out. I care about him not wanting to be out in the rain. I care about him and refused myself and take advantage of him.

In the past few days, I've been thinking a lot more about Calvin as a person. He's an easy going person, a great person to get along with. He's funny, either intentional or unintentional. Calvin is also caring at times. He understands boundaries, when sober.

And the phone calls. Sometimes, I'll catch myself looking at my phone waiting for him to text me or call. And even if I myself don't initiate the conversation, I can be certain that he'll text me goodnight.

Calvin has also received Meredith's approval. She's been with me for years. And thus, she has formed a new sense that she named 'Ali-sense.' Part of this sense includes how I interact with my partners.

And according to her, my interactions with Calvin have been more self-conscious. Before, I did many actions to provoke my partners and get them to break up with me. However, this time, I'm more patient with what I do. I don't judge too quickly, I take Calvin into consideration for many of my choices, and even care for him more.

And that's mainly due to him caring for me. Calvin cares about me. He'll text me, he cooked for me, and understands my concerns about cleanliness.

During our date at the aquarium, when he saw how uncomfortable I felt with being touched with dirty water, he didn't see me as a freak. Instead, he stood by my side and waited for me to wash my hands. He even used the hand sanitizer that I had.

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