Ch: 24 Love Lockdown

Start from the beginning

Vincent: Ey. There's the fucker. Third vehicle.

Vincent was staring at the SUV, seeing Falcon talk to the guard and looking at them temporarily.

Carlos: Shit. I think he's looking right at us.

Adam:*via radio* Easy. Just sit tight.

The vehicles drive and pull in to the hotel's garage. The lead APC pulls ahead of the garage entrance while the SUVs go in and the rear APC then blocks the entrance.

Vincent: They're pulling in to the garage now.

Vincent informed as the convoy disappeared.

Adam:*via radio* Alright, Ironwood. You're up now.

Weiss called Ironwood over the comms. Everyone waited for a bit but no response.

Anthony:*via radio* James, do you read me?

Again no response.

Blake:*via radio* Ironwood... why aren't you answering?

Vincent: Probably forgot to switch it on.

Blake:*via radio* I don't think so. He would never pass an opportunity like this.

Adam:*via radio* Hmm, something isn't right here.

Anthony:*via radio* Doesn't matter now. Greene's here. We move forward with the plan without him. We're in position. Ready?

Carlos: Towson, find the three in your scope. Their on the top of the hotel.

Vincent aims up at the top of the hotel. A blinking light shines from the tower. Vincent zooms in and saw Anthony, Blake, and Adam.

 Vincent zooms in and saw Anthony, Blake, and Adam

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Carlos: We got you.

Carlos informed them, who then begins to rappel down from the tower and stops short of the bottom of the clock.

Vincent: We got some activity on the balcony. We'll take them out together, sir. On you.

Vincent told Carlos, they aim at the guards patrolling the balcony. Vincent fires, and Carlos fires, taking out the guards.

Anthony:*via radio* Breaching.

Anthony informed the two as he, Blake, and Adam rappels down to the balcony, pulls down the window's curtains and enters the room. As more Shadow Company appear, Vincent and Carlos take them out. The hostiles are eliminated. Suddenly, the elevator door opened. Who they expected wasn't the person who appeared however. Someone is tied to an office chair, bruised and injured. And there was something else planted to him.

Carlos: What the? Guys, who is that?

Carlos asked as the three examined the man tied to the chair. He was covered in explosives.

Adam:*via radio* Shit...It's Ironwood.

Anthony:*via radio* Oh my God...

Ironwood:*via radio* Guys, No-Pats, General Nishizumi, everyone.... I'm sorry.

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