Chapter 3: Riot on Set

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... Twenty-two teenagers, one spooky film lot, and a whole bunch of alien eggs. In a world where an army chef wore an alien costume, only the strong could survive. Finally, two lovers shared a heroic victory. But now, they'll be forced to endure a tragic separation. And so it was Courtney and Tyler who were voted off

He remembered the unhappy faces of the first boots.

(Chris): This week, we're gonna bring the pain! Haha. Well, if I have anything to say about it. And I do, by the way. So brace yourselves for some deliciously painful Total. Drama. Action!



The scene pans inside of the spa trailer where the guys are sleeping. The spa trailer typically went to the winner and since Kai and Gwen both won Chris flipped a coin to decide. Kai picked heads and Gwen picked tails, it landed on heads so the guys kept the trailer for the night. The camera passes over everyone but it pauses on Justin and slowly zooms in 

(Chris): Hey, keep it moving!

Chris spoke to whoever was manning the cameras


The camera pans to the regular trailer where the girls are sleeping. Izzy is growling in her sleep. Suddenly an airhorn goes off waking up Gwen who screamed

(Gwen): Dah!

Outside Chris laughed and holds up his trusty megaphone

(Chris): All crew on set! Call time is four a.m.!

He smiles at the camera and pats his megaphone lovingly

(Chris): I love this thing



Beth Confessional

(Beth): At first, I thought he was talking to the crew crew, not us. I was really hoping they'd replace Chris the creep with a nice host this time around! Is that mean? 

She gasps as she realises what she said could be considered mean

(Beth): Sorry



The girls step out of the trailer they are all exhausted with bags under their eyes

(Leshawna): I can't believe I'm doing another season of this show

Eva looked more grumpier then usual but is shocked to see Izzy move around not showing an ounce of exhaustion. It was like watching someone on a sugar high


Inside the spa trailer Cody had to be dragged away from his bed

(Cody): I don't wanna go man!

Cody held onto his bed frame

(Kai): Come on Cody... No one else wants to be up either

With one tug Cody came loose and was dragged outside


The guys file out they had bags under their eyes they are exhausted as well

(Harold): This continuing sadistic wake up call is messing with the natural rhythms of my mind clock. My mojo will be destroyed!

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