Chapter 14 ( The past - Possession of Sister Irene )

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Y/N pov :

I was lying on bed completely lack of energy because of previous battle with Valak , I was trying to sleep but I couldn't able to sleep... the feeling of something bad is going to stuck in my mind but I couldn't able to put finger on it....

Sister Irene pov :

I was roaming in dim lightened hallway as suddenly I feel something going inside church, I got inside in as I was instructed to pray until that entity leaves the church.... We all pray in fear as suddenly I was thrown on pillar by unseen force, as hall of church darkened we all begin be afraid but we can't stop praying , but suddenly chancellor crash of floor so as statue of Jesus begins to shake and it also fall on floor, Time is passing and we are feeling helpless now...Suddenly I was dragged in darker corner...and everything just got blurry then I faint

Father Burke pov :

I was sitting in my room when I heard loud noises from  church, so I rush their and open the door....Everyone their looks so scared and worried "What happened?!..." I said "We don't know but its a unseen force" Sister Onna replied and I nodded "Go and inform this to Y/N, Father William" I said as sister Onna leave room to tell Y/N about the whole matter as Y/N rushed towards church finding sister Irene and blood of Jesus "Y/N wait....sister Irene only have blood of Jesus" I said as Y/N nearly faint "Are you kidding me?!..." She said as Frenchie comes from nowhere "I see her...she is going towads the abbey of saint Carla" I said as i also come from behind "We should go there as soon as possible...sister Onna you should stay here and keep informing us if she will come here" father Burke commands as I nodded and left...they knew they have to find sister Irene as soon as possible... Before the demon will destroy the blood of Jesus

MY PRECIOUS HUMAN ~ ( All Seasons )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon