In the quiet interlude before dreams, Leticia succumbed to the soft allure of the bed, the gentle sway of uncertainty momentarily eclipsed by the serenity of slumber. The enigmatic past, the unfamiliar surroundings, faded away as she surrendered to the embrace of a sound and peaceful sleep.

The next morning, Leticia was roused from her sleep by a polite knock on her door. Anticipating either room service or breakfast, she hurriedly dressed in the same attire she wore the day before. An immediate thought crossed her mind – the need for shopping.

"I think I need to go for shopping too," she mumbled to herself as she swiftly opened the door. A worker greeted her with a warm smile, announcing that breakfast was ready. Leticia acknowledged the invitation with a nod, and with a hint of hunger lingering from the night before, she descended the stairs to the awaiting morning meal.

Seated at the table, she took a bite of her breakfast, a gesture met with a subtle smile. Thoughts flickered in her mind as she savored the flavors. "Not bad, but it's nothing compared to Uncle Beacrox's food," she reflected, acknowledging the culinary standards set by her family member

Swiftly finishing her breakfast, Leticia, now energized for the day, requested a pen and paper from the attentive waitress. The waitress, noticing the opulence reflected in Leticia's room, silently contemplated, 'She spent a lot of money for her room; she must be a rich lady. We need to get on her good side, she though as she continued to attend to Leticia's needs. Retreating to her room, Leticia settled at the table, papers spread out before her, ready to embark on whatever plans she have

**Shopping for Clothes and Nightwear:**

Leticia navigated through the cobblestone streets, exploring the local shops with a discerning eye. Seeking garments that would seamlessly blend into the historical era, she selected fabrics that exuded both elegance and discretion. The dresses and nightwear she chose reflected the fashion of the time, ensuring she would attract minimal attention while retaining a sense of comfort in her new surroundings.

**Hair Dye Shopping (Brown):**

With her distinctive red hair a potential giveaway to her identity, Leticia ventured into a small apothecary. There, she sought a common solution – brown hair dye. The choice of a neutral color was strategic, aimed at helping her remain inconspicuous in a society that likely considered her distinctive red hair an anomaly.

**Visit Uncle Piggy's Shop:**

Uncle Piggy's shop stood as a familiar haven in this unfamiliar past. Leticia, mindful of the merchant's potential insights, entered the establishment with a purpose. She greeted Uncle Piggy warmly and, with a discreet smile, inquired about the information she sought. The exchange was shrouded in a mix of camaraderie and secrecy, emphasizing the importance of the shared history between them.

**Initiate the Search for a Way Home:**

Armed with the information from Uncle Piggy, Leticia delved into the task of finding a way back home. She perused the gathered notes, attempting to discern any clues that might lead her to a solution. The unfamiliar city became a canvas for her investigation, each alley and shop potentially holding a key to unravel the mystery of her unexpected journey.

As the day unfolded, Leticia navigated the challenges of the past, her interactions and choices meticulously crafted to fit seamlessly into this historical tapestry. Each task undertaken brought her closer to unraveling the enigma that bound her to this unfamiliar time and space.

As the afternoon sun cast a warm glow over the unfamiliar city, Leticia found herself facing the daunting challenge of returning home. Despite successfully completing her tasks, the weight of the unresolved mystery pressed upon her.

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