Chapter 15 ( The past - Defeating Valak )

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Y/N pov :

We finally reach Abbey of St. Carla as we rush in there, Finding sister Irene by splitting in hallways as I was checking all floors, father Burke and frenchie was in halls and tunnels, I was checking all hallways of upper floors as I enter where I first see Valak, It was dark room with cold atmosphere filled with rotten flesh of humans it is really gruesome... but I begin to search for any clue... or anything that I could use in my favour but suddenly I heard a voice from behind "Y/N..." I heard the voice when I turn back and mom "Mom...? How this is possible?" I said as tear fall down my face and she walks closer to me "Y/N...why don't you do what he says..?" She said making me confused "What?.." I questioned as she suddenly grab my throat "Why?!!!...Why you are so stubborn Y/N !!...He wants you so let him have you and for devil's sake let him be !!!" She said as her eyes burning red "Mom!...what ... are you..even saying !!?" I said hardly keeping with words "You know who I am talking about...I am talking about Valak...Why don't you let him have you?!!" She said as I throw holy water on her "You know why?!...Because Heaven and Hell never meet!!!" I start spelling chants as she was dragged back to hell and I cough loudly, I rush out of that area going into tunnels where father Burke and frenchie was....

Frenchie pov :

I was walking with gun as i shoot the door and when get in, I found several nuns with their face covered, i was scared but determined to find why they are standing this way but they look so similar and at the same scary as move forward,  I see another sister who is standing into a pentagram or a circle and I was scared , I walk closer to her but when she look up then growl loudly it makes me thrown on a pillar and I see in very inhuman way sister Irene levitate back while standing back "You fool, sacrificing your life!.." And she walk out of circle and by the power she was now holding by the demon, she picks up my gun that falls on floor as then I slide down to her height and she hook gun under my chin "Tomorrow you may or may not see the sun..! You didn't get the chance fight back against me" Sister Irene spoke in demonic voice because of the possession "I do have...." I said as I took some blood of Jesus in hand and put it on her face making her back off and demon getting off her body while growling loudly, Sister Irene looks at me surprised about what's going on "Sister Irene move away..!" I yelled as demon is coming towards her as I push her aside and demon grab me by neck picking up by throat "No!!" Sister Irene yelled as demon look at her and threw her away towards tunnel hall filled with water as I faint from the demon hold its like he is sucking my soul from my body...and soon everything black out...

Sister Irene pov :

I fall in water drowning but I got support from stairs but suddenly he just come from nowhere from underwater as his huge height is enough to make anyone scare, but Y/N comes there from one hall "Sister Irene!! Run away from there..!!!" She yelled in concern as Valak throw her on pillar and she fall underwater "Y/N!!!" I yelled as tears fall down my face, he put his hand underwater and pick up Y/N by waist, She unconscious and for some odd reason he is looking at her with dangerous eyes... "Leave Y/N you demon!!!" I throw few drops on his hand as he hiss in pain and growl loudly, he drop Y/N from his hand in water but it falls away from me hand and there gladly father Burke come from one hall getting in water grabbing Y/N pulling her up on floor as taking out water from her but she is still fainted, As here demon retreats and grab me by throat choking me with water, I was trying reaching the blood of Jesus and successfully reach it while putting it on my mouth taking it in my mouth....but my eyes fall shut..

Y/N pov :

I slowly wake up and see Sister Irene is getting choke to death by Valak "Sister Irene!!" I screamed as tear fall from my eyes, As he see empty holy rebel he pick her up by throat taking her near his face still suspicious... As suddenly sister Irene open her eyes and spit blood of Jesus of his face that start burning him as growl and scream loudly, portal of hell is getting open by blood of Jesus, last time he scream demonically and said he last words before being suck him portal

I will be back for you

My human

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