Chapter 70

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The waltz's sweet melody filled the room. Astelle couldn't perch on her brother's foot as she did in the past. Following his steps, she lifted her heels, avoiding the tattered ones touching the floor.

Balancing precariously, she managed to follow Fritz without faltering too much. Every time she stumbled, Fritz swiftly caught her, guiding their steps smoothly.

Astelle leaned on his arm, maintaining her rhythm, and Fritz supported her effortlessly. As she looked up at her brother, she admired his inner strength.

'You're so strong.'

Having once led the Imperial Knights, Fritz seemed unfazed by supporting Astelle's weight, likely due to his training in swordsmanship.

After a few rounds, the music concluded. Fritz gently guided Astelle out of the center of the ballroom.

Astelle silently signaled to Fritz, motioning toward the balcony. Although some onlookers seemed curious, no one questioned their departure—it was common to take a break between dances.

They ascended to the second-floor balcony. Leaning against the railing, Astelle released a weary sigh, acknowledging Fritz with a tired expression.

"Thank you," she murmured quietly, gratitude apparent in her voice.

Concern etched Fritz's face as he inquired, his worry evident.

"Why not ask for His Majesty's permission to return to the mansion?" Fritz suggested.

"No," Astelle replied. She believed seeking permission to leave wouldn't change anything. Even if she wished to depart, Kaizen wouldn't allow it. The first dance was over, and there was no need for another. She decided to stay a while longer.

Hannah sensed something was amiss and hurried after Astelle to the balcony. "Lady Astelle, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. The shoes are broken," Astelle responded calmly.

Astelle removed her shoes, leaning on the balcony railing. "I definitely checked it... She worked hard on it."

"It really is a useless malicious intent," remarked Fritz in agreement.

Hannah hurried to the maids' waiting room and retrieved indoor shoes. These low-heeled, soft-fabric shoes were more akin to slippers.

She also brought two glasses of champagne for them. Astelle indulged in a sip of the cool champagne, feeling its refreshing touch as it glided down her throat.

"Lady Astelle."

"Sir Lyndon?"

Lyndon entered through the balcony door. "His Majesty is looking for you."

"Now?" Astelle's surprise was evident. Wasn't he planning to meet after the ball? She exchanged glances with Fritz and then stepped through the balcony door.

As she entered the ballroom, a sudden hush fell over the crowd, all eyes drawn to Astelle's arrival.

'This has happened so many times.'

Each time she entered the banquet hall, all eyes inevitably fixated on Astelle.

"Astelle," Kaizen's voice called out.

She turned to see him standing nearby, noticing a shift in his usual demeanor. His expression seemed tenser, his eyes frozen in an unfamiliar intensity. Approaching her, Kaizen slowly lowered his head toward Astelle.

Astelle was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. The onlookers, a congregation of nobles, were equally stunned, their widened eyes echoing the astonishment that rippled through the room. It was as though the sudden appearance of a bomb would have caused less commotion than this.

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