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Character Name: Saya
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Second Gender: Dominant vampire

Physical Appearance: Saya stands at a petite 5'2 with a slender frame. Her long, wavy hair is a striking shade of cherry blossom pink, cascading down her back in luscious waves. Her most notable feature, however, are her piercing crimson red eyes that seem a different shade of red to other dominant vampires.

Personality Traits: Saya is a dominant and strong-willed vampire, accustomed to getting what she wants. She reflects confidence and power. However, beneath her tough exterior, Saya is also quite sensitive and easily irritated. She gets angry quickly and does not hesitate to use her sharp tongue to put others in their place. Despite this, she has a certain charm and allure that draws people to her.

Background: Saya comes from a long line of noble vampires, known for their wealth and power. From a young age, she was taught to embrace her vampire heritage and to never back down from a challenge. Her family's wealth and status have always opened doors for her, but Saya has never relied on that. She tries to work hard to make a name for herself and establish her own reputation.

Extra Information: Saya is currently attending university, studying the dominion law. She takes her studies seriously and is determined to excel in her chosen field. Her family expects her to abandon her studies and continue their legacy once she becomes of marriageable age. Despite her dominant nature, Saya secretly craves to be treated like a queen. She enjoys having people see to her every need and desire, without her even having to ask. This may be because of her upbringing and the expectation of always being in control due her dominant nature. However, she is also a bit shy and vulnerable when it comes to opening up to others, as she fears being seen as weak.

Saya's dominant and confident nature may make her seem unapproachable at first, but those who get to know her will see that she has a softer side and a deep desire to be accepted and loved for who she truly is. Her journey at university will not only be about gaining knowledge and skills, but also about discovering herself and learning to balance her dominant vampire side with her more vulnerable human emotions.

 Her journey at university will not only be about gaining knowledge and skills, but also about discovering herself and learning to balance her dominant vampire side with her more vulnerable human emotions

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(imagine her hair is cherry blossom colour)

Name: Mikael
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Second Gender: Submissive vampire

Physical Appearance: Mikael is 6'2 tall with a lean and athletic build. He has short, tousled black hair that sweeps across his forehead and frames his sharp features. His eyes are a warm brown, but hold a hint of sadness and longing. Mikael's smooth skin is tan and he has a small barely noticeable scar on his jawline. He moves with a quiet grace, often blending into the background.

Personality Traits: Mikael is a submissive vampire, which makes him appear timid and shy to others. He prefers to keep to himself and suppresses his emotions, afraid of revealing his true self. This leads to him being misunderstood by those around him. However, deep down Mikael is a kind and caring individual, always putting others before himself. He is also fiercely loyal to his loved ones. Mikael is driven by a deep desire to find his special someone, but his fear of rejection holds him back.

Background: Mikael is a commoner and comes from a loving family with seven siblings, him being the eldest. Growing up, Mikael was taught to hide his true identity and blend in to avoid unwanted conflict. He always felt like he didn't fit in with society and it wasn't until he discovered his true second gender that he understood why. Mikael's family was accepting of his revelation, but he still keeps it a secret from others, afraid of how they will react.

Extra Information: Mikael is currently attending university, studying to become a healer/doctor. He sees it as a way to give back and help those in need. Despite his reserved nature, Mikael has one best friend named Katherine. He longs for a deep and meaningful connection with someone who sees him for who he truly is.

Secret: Mikael is hiding a big secret from everyone, including some of his younger siblings. His parents feared that this would make him a target, so they kept it hidden and taught him how to suppress it. Mikael struggles with this secret, but he knows that if anyone finds out it could put him and his family in danger.

 Mikael struggles with this secret, but he knows that if anyone finds out it could put him and his family in danger

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(just imagine he has vampire ears and no tattoo, but yeah this is how I see Mikael)


-Mikael's best and only friend since childhood
-21 years old
-submissive vampire

-22 years old
-dominant vampire

-35 years old
-dominant vampire
-head master and owner of Crimson Obsidian University

-33 years old
-submissive vampire

-23 years old
-submissive vampire

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