Chapter 5: 3:10 to Losertown

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(Chris): Last time on Total Drama Action... Lindsay's surfing adventure turned trailer park when a twister ruined her fun. And DJ was stripped bare

He chuckles at the memory of Lindsay being flung into the wall and DJ getting his pants bitten off

(Chris): Nice pecs, dude. Thanks to Bridgette's gnarly moves, the Grips won the first challenge. Even though Bridgette made a cool looking sand castle ultimately the next challenge went to the Gaffers with their Taj Ma-Harold. Tied at one apiece, the Gaffers were crowned the watusi winners when Geoff accidentally broke his ankle. Due to this accident Geoff was the one who got sent home. With only eighteen left, maybe the Grips will stand a chance this week. Find out next on Total. Drama. Action!



Harold is lying on the grass desperately trying to keep cool

(Harold): Too hot... To do... Anything! Ugh!



Harold Confessional

(Harold): My mad skills are leeching out of me. I can feel it!

He hits the table with a karate chop. His attack did nothing to it

(Harold): My mojo isn't sweat proof!



(Justin): Can't you fan any faster?

Owen is seen fanning Justin

(Owen): You're hot. But I'm hotter

He laughed weekly and fell. Kai and Gwen sat under a tree. Gwen sniffed her nose sounding blocked

(Gwen): I can't be getting a cold in this heat!

She sneezes. Kai holds out his water bottle

(Kai): Water? It'll be good for you to stay hydrated

Gwen smiled and took the bottle taking a few sips from it and handed it back

(Gwen): Thanks, I really needed that...

She said while leaning into the tree. Kai wipes the lid with his shirt and takes a couple sips from it

(Kai): Hey, doesn't the spa trailer have an AC?

(Gwen): It does but suddenly its not working

Gwen believed Chris was the reason the AC isn't working. Kai sighed in disappointment 

(Kai): Of course its broken...

Kai looked around everyone else was visibly struggling with the heat he spotted DJ sitting in a kiddie pool 3x too small for him. The campers who typically wore a jumper/hoodie weren't wearing them 

(Kai): I wish we were still at the island. At least there we could cool off in the water

Gwen hummed in agreement remembering all of the swims they'd all have when the weather got too hot. Suddenly western music is played and a gunshot rang throughout the area. The campers jumped at the sound. Harold hit a branch as he sat up

(Harold): Ow!

Harold shouts in pain as he clutches his head

(Beth): Ahh! Chris!

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