Best of chill out

Start from the beginning

The sound of a portal opening in the distance didn't cut you from your task. You didn't hear Error coming, tired, from whatever he was doing previously. His irritation, however, dissipated once he saw your form sitting on the sofa. Eyes locked on the small creation you were making. You were even wearing the (f/c) glasses and the scarf. Seeing you somewhat relaxed his mind, but didn't dispel a nervousness he tried to hide by approaching you.

"It'S tOo SmAlL." He commented your work sarcastically, taking your attention away and teasing you all the same. "It WoN't FiT tHe CaT."

To be honest, he gave you a heart attack by talking so suddenly out of the blue, but also made you pout childishly, fakely upset at him. "Hey! I didn't plan it for Kuro! Nor you for that matter!"

You did your best to keep a straight pokerface as he laughed at you. Deep down though, you were enjoying it. "ThEn WhO?" He mocked "BaByBoNe?"

Those words escaped him without thinking, with an impulsivity he couldn't control. Still, once you both came to understand them, a heavy silence fell down, destroying the amusement of the moment. In a second, his face lit up in embarrassment, and yours followed suit. What he said clearly implied something you two never ever thought of, and perhaps wouldn't have under normal circumstances. Yet, here you were. How embarassing.

'Nope. Too early for the Bone Zone.' You managed to think in the mess, still blushing bright red while you searched for a backup plan.

Luckily, Kuro broke it all up for you by jumping out the sofa and on to your blushing skeleton, who didn't wait a second to almost crash in fear. You too panicked, since your little kitten sometimes had this sudden rush of energy because of its coding. Basically, it was his way of greeting his master, but Error was never ready everytime it happened.

You waited first, making sure they were fine, before you 'awed' loudly at the scene taking place in front of you. "Kuro sure loves his skele-dad a lot~" you teased, laughing like no tomorrow at the face your Soulmate gave you then, while carrying the kitten at arm's length.

Whereas you ended on the floor, trying desperately to catch your breath and glitching heavily, Error tried to not scold the kitten, instead grumbled and did his best to get rid of the happily purring animal who loved the attention. As much as he wasn't going to admit it, he've grown deeply attached to the little being, to the point you could pretend being jealous sometimes. You were still proud and greatly enjoying it though, especially because it gave you an advantage for teasing.

It took a good moment for you to calm down your laughing fit, and for him to finally let go of the kitten, whom he gently forced to take a small nap, since Kuro was still young. He was quite glad to have made him docile enough to listen at least.

Once this moment done and over with, you offered your Soulmate a good cup of hot chocolate as consolation, which he accepted eagerly. You both enjoyed a calm time, sitting on the sofa, drinking your cups in harmonious peace, the song of birds outside filling a better silence than earlier. It was just the two of you, close to one another, relaxing. Needless to say Error clearly needed that, and you were content to have helped in your own way.

That was, until the end of the moment, when he let down his empty cup on a small table next to the sofa. He took a long, curious sigh, before turning to you.

"HeY... (Y/n)?" You hummed, surprised by his sudden change of attitude. He shifted, a bit uncomfortable, eyesockets looking anywhere but you. "I wAnTeD tO kNoW... If YoU'd LiKe To Go OuT a LiTtLe? ThErE's SoMeThInG i WaNnA sHoW yOu ToDaY."

Startled by his sudden offering, one you weren't ready for actually, you took a few seconds before gleefully accepting, hyped on the little sugar you put in your drinks. It wasn't everyday you'd get to visit a new place. Not that you were complaining about going to your daily spots, but a bit of novelty here and there was great as well to keep on a bit of excitement. At least this balance was working for now, so you kept it that way.

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