6. Shaggy Ted -Part One:

Start from the beginning

Ted was coming to work late, tired and sad.

Charlotte and Melissa were happy to not have Ted creep on them the first few days but they soon became just as bored and worried as everyone else, and the growing mountain of iced caramel frapės on everyone's desks that Paul had bought them as he had no clue how to handle the Sad, eventless work environment weren't helping.

Just when everyone thought it couldn't get worse Pete started staying at Ruth's or Richie's or sometimes even their parent's house.

Pete's complete absence in Ted's life caused the elder to lose the ability to maintain his old positive sleazeball persona, with every rejection he gained from Pete whom he was trying to reach out to Ted's happiness weakened

Ted even missed a few days of work unable to get himself out of bed, he was completely mentally exhausted.

"Feeling any better?" Bill questioned, sounding like he was yelling as the office was otherwise completely silent, as it had been in Teds' absence.

"Hu?" Ted looked up at the other man as his head had previously been planted on his desk.

Ted looked awful, his hair and facial hair were overgrown, his clothes were crinkled, and his tie was undone.

"God I guess not" grimaced Bill.

"Mornin' boys" Charlotte smiled sweetly.

"Greetings" Ted nodded.

Once Paul arrived the others disbanded, leaving Ted alone and out of sorts.

"That's the fourth straight black coffee you've had today" Ted mentioned to Paul as the musical hater walked past Ted's desk.

"Yeah, Yeah it's been a long week" Paul frowned, slightly shocked Ted was talking to him.

"Tell me about it, how's things going with that latė hottie?" Ted asked,

Although it was a normal Ted thing to say it lacked the usual flare and enthusiasm most of what Ted'd say did, the question and conversation in general felt almost forced,

from Ted's end.

"Oh Emma,... things are going well, very well" Paul smiled.

"How about you and your little brother? Emma told me that she hasn't seen you two in Beanie's together in a few weeks".

"I, I...we, why were you two talking about us to begin with!" Ted snapped, storming off.

It was the end of his shift anyway.

Ted slumped into his apartment not even making it to his bedroom he just flopped onto his sofa, his long spindly legs hanging off the end of the sofa.

Every fibre of Ted's body wanted to drift off to sleep then and there but he hadn't eaten anything other than a few apple slices for a few days so he had to get up.

"Mierda (Shit)" Ted mumbled to himself, not only had he not eaten much since Pete disappeared but he also hadn't gone shopping so he could eat.

The empty shelf stared back at Ted taunting him.

"Never mind then, I'll eat tomorrow," Teld told himself heading back to the sofa to fall asleep.

Just as Ted curled into himself enough to become comfortable and head to sleep his phone began to ring.

Ted uncurled himself and answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr Spankoffski?" a woman's voice asked far too sweetly for Ted's liking.

"Umm, yes? Why?".

"You're the primary contact for Peter Spankoffski, I've called to inform you that Peter got detention today so he's missed his bus and needs you to come to collect him".

Ted shot up at that, detention, his nerdy perfect baby brother got detention?

"Sorry mam but what exactly did he do to get detention?" wondered Ted.

"He helped a fellow student cheat on a test".

Ted slowly dragged his hands over his face, Pete was such a fool, getting caught.

"Okay, I'm sorry for his behaviour, it's not like him to act out like this, I'll come to get him now"

Ted tried to sound well-mannered.

"Lovely, I'll send him to the front gate to wait for you now".

The woman hung up.

The second that Ted's broken-down car was parked and stopped moving Ted left it running up to Pete who was going to say something but was interrupted by Ted hugging him like his life depend on it, like he'd fade away if he let go.

'Thin', that was Pete's first thought, Ted was far too thin and his hair was long and scruffy.

Pete was far too busy being surprised and observing his brother to pull away from the hug at first, but he did eventually, regretting it.

Ted's brown eyes were filled with tears threatening to spill, his facial hair was just as bad as the rest of his hair and he looked pale and sick.

"Don't ever disappear on me like that again Petey, I've been so fucking worried about you and I was right to be you got detention" Ted's voice went from broken to almost mad.

Pete nodded allowing Ted to hug him once more before they got in the car.

The car ride home is silent, Ted still on the brink of tears as Peter observed his big brother,

His appearance, his behaviour something was wrong, very wrong.

"Ted I'm sorry for Disappearing I-"

"Not, Not right now Pete" Ted sat on the Sofa next to Pete.

Ted just wanted to be with Pete, to have visual proof that Pete was alive and okay.

Without a word, Pete stood up walking to the kitchen to find food only to see empty cupboards and an empty fridge.

"When did you last go shopping?" Pete questioned concerned.

"I will do it tomorrow" Ted avoided the question.

Pete nodded as he sat back next to Ted the two ordering delivery for tea.

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