"So he's looking for Jeffery." Arson concluded leaning back while I kept my eyes on Theodore who furrowed his brows, seeming lost in thought. "Which means he doesn't know what happened to him." I looked at my hand firmly in Theodore's own and growled.

"Sounds right," Theodore leaned back and closed his eyes briefly. "They were pretty close, I guess. He just... he just kept asking me where he was like I was hiding him or something." His brows furrowed as though he was looking for an answer to what had happened, an answer that wasn't in front of him.

"If they were close, why doesn't he know where he is? It's easy to assume we have him but..." Arson shook his head like somehow he also wanted to find an answer that wasn't so obvious.

He then looked behind me seeming lost in thought and I growled. "If he's looking for Jeffery," Arson mumbled, "it's possible he isn't the only one..."

Seemed like Jeffery didn't run back to his pack, if not, then where did he go? In as much as he wasn't a wolf, I'd still have assumed he went to them, those who he knew he could trust and if Carl was his right hand man, and he didn't know...

Watching the wheels turning in Arson's head before he stood straight. "We might need to make a pack wide curfew."

"Over one incident?" Theodore snorted. "Seems extreme."

"Loyalty like that doesn't just go away, I have a bad feeling about this. He got to you, we didn't even realise he might still be around, let alone keeping enough track to ambush you, or anyone for that matter. Chosing to chalk it up to coincidence or luck will bite us in the ass."

"Alpha!" We all turned then as two warriors came in followed by a guard, Mitch looked around at all of us and his hands were in fists but I noticed the blood coating them. "At the boarders, 3 dead. There was a message."

"I told you." Arson muttered rounding to take the note as they caught their breathe. "As the days pass and we don't have our Alpha, you lose more of your own." Arson gave us all a pointed look. "A curfew doesn't seem far off, does it?"

"I'm going to kill him."

I squeezed Theodore's hand as I spoke those words, feeling the anger sizzle inside me.

As Donovan announced the few changes which included a curfew and a buddy systems, he made sure everyone knew why this had to happen, we were being targeted because Creek mountain pack was loyal to their Alpha and while his punishment had been severe and he had ran off, they believed we still held him hostage.

Everyone was told to report any suspicious movements, new people that we might have to look into as per Arsons advice that being that we didn't all know every member of this dead pack, they can approach anyone with the wrong intentions and to be wary, Donovan had hesitated to mention that even if it's a mate, he was to be told.

It was at that point I noticed movement in the crowd, I recognised Amanda and another girl, I couldn't remember her name but Amanda pulled her along and they went into the pack before Donovan even finished his speech, the girl I was struggling to remember was crying. I thought to myself, atleast Amanda can give you comfort.

I could understand his hesitancy, having to doubt your own mate was a painful thing, here was a person made perfectly for you and you had to be wary from the get go. Knowing how the bond feels, I hoped nobody from Greyhound Mountain Pack would have to be in such a position. Even I couldn't think to hand in my own mate even as a precaution.

#2. The Beta's Little Caster(MxM)Where stories live. Discover now