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Start from the beginning

Charlie looked around and noticed Walker wasn't there "Not this time. Congrats, Daph! This time Walker's the late one"

"I'll go look for him" Aryan suggested. Leah grabbed his arm to stop him "Wait! Didn't you have the thing with the stuff you had to do?"

Everyone turned to look at her with confused faces. "What?" "You know.. The thing with the stuff.. " Leah tried to explain herself but seeing as Aryan was just was confused as the others she just grabbed his shoulders and guided him outside "Be right back!"

Daphné saw right through her act. She knew everyone was trying to get her and Walker together, even though they told them several times they were just friends. "Okay I'll just go myself then"

She ran upstairs to Walker's shared room with Aryan and knocked. "Hellooo. Hurry up, we're all waiting for you!" There was no response so she just decided to open the door.

She burst out laughing when she saw him flexing on the mirror. "What the fuck are you doing!"

"Ugh Daphné get out! Can't you see I'm busy?" throwing a pillow at her. "Yeah I can see that, very busy showing off those muscles, aren't you?"

"Okay, just leave and save me the embarrassment for later. I'll be down in a minute"

"Okay but if you take longer than that I'll tell everyone"

"Just get out!"

✯ ✯ ✯

On their way to the café, Dior was driving and Charlie on the passenger seat. The rest just had to squish in the back and pray not to be stopped by the police.

"Oh guys, by the way I told Bridget to meet us there and sleep over, if that's fine" Daphné informed the rest of the group.

"Oh yeah totally"

"Don't worry about it"

"Oh remember her, she's the one with the movie name right?" Walker asked. "Yeah"

✯ ✯ ✯

Entering the café Daphné saw a familiar figure. "Oh, my God, Bri!!" Bridget looked up from her phone and got up. "Daph!" she ran towards her and hugged her.

The hug lasted a short amount of time since Daphné wasn't much of a hug person "Oh I missed you so much!" "Me too!"

They were interrupted by a small cough. "Hey guys we're here too you know" Walker said waving awkwardly.

"Right, sorry. Hi guys! So nice to meet you all" Bridget said while sitting down.

A waitress came up to them and put down menus for them. A few minutes passed and she came back. "What will you lot be having?"

𝙎𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙁𝙡𝙮 // Walker Scobell Where stories live. Discover now