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little - 5 years old ✿ 🐈
387 words


(little playing in playroom)

daddy: (making lunch in the kitchen)

daddy: sweetheart lunch is ready come eat!

little: coming!

(little walks into kitchen)

daddy: hi my baby sit at the table please i made your favourite food

little: can i have it later daddy?

daddy: no baby you know the rules you have to eat and then you can play after, okay? i promise.

little: but i don't wanna!

daddy: i know baby but you can play after you're done, sit down please and eat. its so yummy i made it just for you! ❤︎︎

little: (pouts and starts to walk away)

daddy: come back here right now i'm not going to say it again sit down now please.

little: NO! I DONT WANNA!

( by this time the caregiver was getting fed up. the little had been being difficult all day, so he began to walk over to the little to put them in timeout )

daddy: okay fine you wanna be difficult, go to timeout now, you can't act like this and have no consequences.


daddy: you are being bad! you're going to sit down in timeout for 10 minutes keep talking back and it'll be 20! i don't wanna hear another word out of you.
(grab's littles arm and leads them to timeout chair)

little: ...

daddy: now your going to sit here and think about what you did, when the times up i'll come back to get you and then you're eating.

(time skip to when the 10mins are up)


daddy: okay baby times up come on let's eat

little: ok...
(by this time the little felt bad for yelling at daddy and started to cry)

daddy: oh my baby don't cry, just tell me why you are being bad today? can you tell me hun?

little: i just w-wanna play daddy i-i didn't mean to make you angry I'm sorry

daddy: oh baby it's okay i'm not angry, you just got to tell daddy that before you get cranky okay?

little . . . (eats)

daddy: now that you're done eating how about we go cuddle and watch your favourite tv show huh!
how does that sound hunny?

little: yay! okay let's go! i love u daddy

daddy: i love you too sweetheart ❤︎︎

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