What could go wrong?

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POV: Harvey
After Hardman's departure, everything went from bad to worse.
We started losing clients, and the press was only spreading rumors, causing the firm to lose credibility. I didn't know how to manage the firm, which was on the verge of bankruptcy.
-Harvey, you're not going to like this.- Mike entered my office with a worried look. It was 9 PM, and it seemed like this day would never end.
-What now?- I sighed, trying to contain my frustration.
-The associates... They're leaving.- I took a deep breath to avoid breaking anything in my office because apparently, I didn't have a secretary anymore, to help me buy everything again. -We've lost at least 40% of the associates, and the ones that stayed, they're not the best ones.- I saw Louis marching quickly towards my office, his nose emitting metaphorical smoke.
-Louis, if it's bad news, I don't want to hear it.
-But you'll listen anyway because I just spoke with the person in charge of the new associates interviews, and all the applications we had were withdrawn! No one wants to work for us!- I couldn't contain my anger anymore and threw the whiskey glass I had in my hand against the wall.
-SON OF A...!- Silence filled the office. No one was crazy enough to say anything at that moment.
-Can I add a little something?- Despite my death stare and a small reprimand from Mike, Louis didn't get the message and continued.- I may or may not have overheard, while hiding in the hallway, that all the associates are moving to a new firm. They just arrived in town, some 'Person, Paulsen, Zane' guys.- Not only were we losing the firm, but we were also losing our associates to some new firm managed by a bunch of nobodies.
-You know what, I don't know what else to do.- I just needed some time away from the problems, to think clearly.- Mike...
-Are you thinking what I'm thinking?- Mike and I had the same smug smile while Louis looked at us like a lost puppy.
-What are you thinking? Tell me, we need all the ideas that can help us save this firm!
-No, Louis, what we need is a little of this.- Mike pulled a joint from his coat pocket.
-Do you carry that around all the time?- I looked at Mike with a curious and somewhat disdainful expression. It was, at the very least, strange.
-I thought we might need it... And you know I like to be prepared.
-Can you stop talking about getting high and focus on what's important? We're going to lose everything if we don't do something!-I stood up from my chair and picked up my lighter.
-No, Louis, what we're going to do is take an hour and relax a little.- I took the small joint that Mike handed me and lit it, taking a few puffs.-You should try it, you'd be less tense.- I handed it to Mike and then looked at Louis, who had his eyes fixed on the small joint that Mike was holding in front of him.
-Come on, Louis, you'll see we'll have great ideas.- Mike provocted him. He reached out slowly and brought it to his mouth.
How much time passed after that is a mystery. When I returned to the reality of the office, I realized that Mike was in front of the elevator, wearing only pants and a tie, repeatedly pressing the elevator button. I was lying on the reception counter, staring at the ceiling.
I had never realized how many light bulbs we had, it must be expensive to maintain. When I looked to the side, I almost fell. Louis had his tie on his head, his shirt open halfway down his chest, and no pants. What shocked me even more was not that, but what he wore underneath the pants, that were scattered on the office floor.
-You won't believe this...
-God! No, indeed!- Louis was interrupted by Mike who was brought back to reality by Louis's hysterical voice.
-What the hell are you wearing?
-I wondered the same thing... Don't you have boxers like normal people?
-Are those... Are those bikini panties?- I felt the urge to vomit when he turned around, and I could see Louis's butt crack.
-They also make them for men... It's my mankini. But that's not what I was talking about! WE HAVE NOBODY IN THE FIRM!- I stood up slowly and looked around.
-And what did you expect? It's almost midnight...- My eyes focused on the letters on the wall. "Hardman."
The hours was an explanation, but I knew that tomorrow things wouldn't take a different turn. We had to come up with a solution as soon as possible, or the firm we took years to build would go down the drain, and I wouldn't let that idiot have the last word.
In a stupid and angry act, I punched his name, leaving a small dent in the steel letters and a big wound in my hand, which, to be honest, I didn't even feel.
-They're not coming back... We have to do something.- I felt the effects slowly fading, but I was still pretty high.
-I know what we can do!- Louis shouted and disappeared through the deserted hallways, carrying the terrifying image of him without pants.
-I'm not ready to say goodbye...-Mike and I were in the associates' bullpen. The secretaries were all overturned as if they had run out in a hurry.
-He may have won the battle, but he hasn't won the war. We still have some savings that we can spend, they should help us for another 2 months. Tomorrow we'll call all our clients who haven't left us yet and make sure it stays that way.- Mike listened silently while nodding.
-Maybe we don't need to touch our savings, Harvey.- Louis reappeared with a folder in his hand.
-What are you saying?- Mike took the words out of my mouth.
-Think about it, we have less than half the associates and partners, right?- I didn't understand where he was going.
-So we're just stating things we already know, or is this leading somewhere?- He dropped the folder on the table in front of me.- A lease agreement?
-Not a bad idea...- I looked at Mike that has his thinking face on.- Harvey, think about it, we have plenty of empty offices and cubicles. If we split the firm, we can lease out the other half of the space, bringing in more money.- Louis was nodding while Mike was explaining me the plan.
-I knew taking a break to smoke wasn't a bad idea.
-And we already have an offer! It's a consulting firm! Best combination ever, I already said yes!- Before we could say anything, he had already sent the response.
I just sighed and let it pass. After all, what could go wrong?

So this is my first fanfic in English, so bear with me, Hahaha. I am actually Portuguese.
If there are some words that are miswritten or that don't make sense, just tell me.
Hope you like it. Your opinions are very important to me, so feel free to comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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