
336 1 0

𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞: 6 years old ❀ 🩵
No specific caregiver
Possible trigger warnings:
hitting & swearing
1212 words


George had been acting bad all day. first it was spilling his juice all over the white carpet on purpose then it was slamming his bedroom door so hard his daddy had heard it from downstairs and then just now he had said a really bad word in front of his daddy.

George wasn't allowed to curse in little space and he knew that, no swearing was one of the main rules. unfortunately for him he had just broke that rule.

the daddy was just about to scold the little for the fourth time that day when the little did something completely unexpected to the extent that even his daddy was at a loss on how to deal with it, the little had just broke his daddy's phone that was in his hand a literal second ago.

the daddy quickly looked across the room to see his phone screen completely shattered after it being thrown by the little. at a wall.

the little knew that he had just done something really bad but he didn't know why he did it, he had been really mad all day, yes. but even in his regressed state George knew on some level he really messed up.

they sat in silence for a few moments before the daddy semi angrily got up walking over to the little that had previously stood up in his fit of bratty rage.

the little knew he'd be in big trouble so in an impulse George to the best of his ability's quickly ran away off to the nearest room which happened to be the kitchen. trying to go anywhere but near his daddy. because he knew what was coming next. the dreaded punishment.

his daddy obviously had seen where he went because George being the age he was wasn't the best hider,

the daddy seen Georges little feet peeking out from under the kitchen table where George had assumed to be the best spot to hide.

the daddy pulled him out by his feet ( gently) and in that action surprising George, George swiftly and quickly got to his feet so ready to run off again until he inevitably got stopped by a hand on his arm.

the little squirmed trying to get away but with no success he gave up. George accepted and knew what was about to happen next.

the little then forcefully got picked up and got carried to the living room where they just were previously sitting.

little: daddy i'm sowwy! i didn't mean to! what are you going to do?!

daddy: well since your so curious, not only did i have to scold you three times today but now i have to deal with this. a broken phone, do you know how expensive they are? do you know how I'll have to make work phone calls now? I won't! you're so bad George!

little: i didn't mean to! ...

daddy: you didn't mean to grab the phone out of daddy's hands and throw and break it? ... George you threw my phone at a wall.

little: . . . (pouts)

daddy: yeah that's what i thought, you knew exactly what you were doing George. and now i know what i have to do to you. You get punished.

the little knew what was about to happen next. whenever George was really bad he got spanked by his daddy,
( they had had a conversation when he was big and agreed that if it came to it, he could)

it happened super rarely that he almost forgot all about it.

the daddy never expected it had to come to having to spank his little and he tried to avoid it at all costs but today was way different. today he has to deal with a spoiled brat that had gotten too comfortable being bad around his daddy.

so, the daddy sat down with the little still in his arms and flipped him onto his stomach (still being on his lap) then he gave George one last chance for an out in all this by saying " will you behave if i don't do this? "

the daddy expecting and hoping for a yes or some type of agreement so he wouldn't have to spank him, absolutely hating having to scold his little.

except what came out of the littles mouth was something that meant he'd have to get spanked for saying.

George had said " you're a bitch! i hate you MEANIE! " the daddy hadn't even known how at such a young mental age that he knew what that word meant.

nonetheless he obviously had known it was something bad. so inevitably the daddy finally did what he had to do.

with all that the little did that day, he smacked the littles butt three times. not enough to hurt the little but hard enough to get his point across to stop being naughty. although-

the little immediately started crying and whining, the daddy felt so bad he wanted to hug and kiss his forehead one million times, but he knew he needed to stay strong and really make sure he got his point across.

he sat the little upright and got up himself, then he walked into the kitchen to take a long uneven breath.

before leaving the kitchen he began getting the little some much needed water for all the crying he was doing, he still loves his baby so much and it hurts his heart to see his boy crying. so he at least wanted to make sure he was alright.

he walked back into the living room where the little was still crying but not as much as before.

the little was upset and occasionally had let out a little hiccup from all the crying he had just previously done. and was still somewhat doing.

the daddy gave him the water and the little reluctantly took it, but started sipping on it anyway, too upset to protest. the daddy brushed astray piece of hair from his forehead and began talking in a way softer voice then before.

daddy: hunny can you look at me please i need to tell you something and i need you to listen, alright?

daddy: sweetie i mean it okay, look at daddy.

little: (sniffles) okay...

daddy: so i'm not mad at you and i need you to know i love you so much okay?
daddy just needs you to understand that being naughty isn't good and not tolerated. baby if you ever want or need something you have to tell daddy so that he can help. i'm so sorry it had to come to this my sweetheart.

little: it's otay daddy i'm sorry i was bad, i'll never do it again.

the daddy then held him close giving him forehead kisses and lots of sweet nothings whispered in his ear. the little had calmed down and so had the daddy


they both ended up falling asleep in each others arms dreaming of nice things, the daddy hoping he'd never have to do that to his little baby ever again.




long story short, he never had to do that again, and they lived happily ever after 🧸

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