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Kay: age 5-6 ♡︎ 💤
627 words

kay and her daddy were off to a hotel because they were desperately in need for something to do other then stay in the house all the time.

her daddy decided they'd explore the city and see exciting things and places buy before all that could happen they needed to decide what to do that night.

the current time for them was 8:30pm way past the littles bedtime which was around 7:00pm. her daddy didn't anticipate the high amount of traffic.

daddy: kay are you tired hunny? go lay down in the bed, it'll be cozy. i'll be there with you soon i just need to un-pack all of our things, okay?

kay: nooo i want you now!

daddy: i know my sweet girl i know. but i'll be there soon. how about you get a head start though?

kay: okay but where's my bunny? ( bunny was her stuffed animal she slept with every night )

daddy: (bad word) ummm. um. . . uh i'll look for it hunny give me a second just lay down okay.

turns out in the rush of packing he had forgot bunny he was so mad that he forgot. he didn't know what else to do except tell her the truth.

daddy: sweetheart um. i don't think bunny's here.

moments of silence were worse then crying for the little. because that meant they were really upset and that meant a huge meltdown.

daddy: but it's okay! you have me right now, i'll un-pack tomorrow then okay. it's alright. hunny? hunny? can you answer me please?

little: daddy.

daddy: . . . yes baby?

little: i- i-

the little began to sob in the caregivers arms which he had seen coming anyway but this felt extreme. hard sobs came out of the little in the most gut wrenching way.

the daddy had to think of a solution quick but the only thing that came to mind was bubbles kay loves bubbles so since they had a bathtub in their hotel, and he had brought some soap from home, he thought a bath wouldn't hurt since it was past her bedtime anyway and she was feeling a bit older tonight.

so he offered it to her.

daddy: baby how does a nice warm bath sound?

the littles sniffles came to a stop and she looked as though she was pondering the offer before responding.

kay: ... lots of bubbles?

daddy: yes my baby lots of bubbles, as many as you want okay! and tomorrow if you're an extra good girl you can pick out a treat and pick where we eat. how does that sound!

kay: ok, come on daddy!

daddy helps her into the bath and starts making the bubbles, he also washes her hair and body since she's there anyway and she doesn't seem to mind.

little: daddy i'm having so much fun! kiss?

daddy: sure hunny i'll kiss you righttt here (forehead)

little: (giggles) more!

daddy: kisses kay some more till the giggles come to a stop.

daddy: so, feel better hun?

kay: mmm

daddy: someone's a tired baby huh? come on let's get you dressed and all cozy then we can go night night!

kay: k 💤

daddy gets he all situated and into bed ( her already being fast asleep) then with all the energy he has left gets up and takes one last look for bunny.

he's glad he did when he sees the familiar ears of her beloved bunny, he grabs the bunny happily and goes and slides into bed with his little
gently as not to disturb her, he slides the bunny into her tiny hands and awaits for tomorrow when he gets to see her smiling face again.

but for now, they sleep.

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