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George ( again ) age 4 ❤︎︎ 💗
Dream caregiver
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362 words

George and dream were having a good day up until George had a little bit of an accident.


starting from the beginning of the day George had been extremely happy because his friend was coming over, for a playdate.

so, that made him really excited. since he was so excited he was also rushing around the house. trying to get his teddies and his playing blocks for his friend and him to play with.


in the meantime dream checked his phone and seen that Georges friend was on their way, an hour away, meaning he still had time.

dream went to go see what George wanted for lunch since his friend wouldn't get there for a while and because it was George's lunchtime anyway.

as dream walked into the living room where he was assumed to be playing George was instead lying on the floor quietly whining.

dream obviously was confused and concerned for his little so he picked him up off the floor and asked him what was wrong:

dream: hunny what's wrong are you hurt aw my poor baby huh?

george: i-i was running and i t-tripped!

dream: awh it's okay sweetie it's just a light scrape here i'll go grab a bandage and then we-

george: NO! i don't wanna have playdate anymore i done!

dream: i- ... okay baby but why don't you wanna see your friend anymore?

george: i hurt, i wanna be wif daddy. no fren

dream: okay baby that's ok, i'll text them and let them know but before i do that i got to put a bandage on you, okay?

george: okay daddy

dream then brought George over to the kitchen where he quickly bandaged him up and sent him back off to the living room to watch tv while he texted and said George wasn't feeling up to it anymore, which they quickly responded saying it was alright.

for the rest of the evening it was all cuddles and movies, dream was glad to spend more time with his baby. and George was just happy he was okay and was with his daddy.

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