The Matron's eyes widened in realization. How could she not notice the similar last name at first. 

"T-then, what more information would you like sir...even if it was records from years ago I have found almost all of it."

"I need his biological parents name" Yoongi said, he hoped to get some clue as to who they were, if his suspicions were right, he was ready to go and ask Mr. Lee about it. 

The matron searched through a bunch of papers, many torn on the sides, some half eaten my the moths. The moldy smell wafting to his nose as she kept the unwanted bunch on the table with a thud.

"Actually, it was a complicated case for him. He wasn't brought here by his parents. It was the police. Here are the details. Kim Doyoung his father, age 32 and Kim Aera his mother, age 34 were the name of his biological parents. Both died in a car crash and the sole survivor being Kim Taehyung." she said, now looking at Yoongi who stared at her with widened eyes. His brain was almost short circuiting at the information. Doyoung as in the person who Mr. Lee was mentioning?

He had so many thoughts running but was interrupted by the Matron.

"The police were on the spot and the child was kept with them till for almost a week the formalities were over. After a month of reaching in this orphanage, your parents adopted him." 

Everything was a blur. He did not know what to do or next. The car seemed to be going by itself with the muscles memory of him hands, taking turns and stopping signals and reaching his destination. The mansion of Mr. Lee, CEO of KA fashions.

The man was sitting on the couch reading his newspaper, but seeing Yoongi, he got up immediately greeting the young man who he is fond of.

"Yoongi, how are y-"

"Mr. Lee, please let's keep the pleasantries for the next time, but I have a lot of questions for you and you have to answer them" he said almost sternly making the man in front of him surprised. Yoongi has always been respectful and kind man and seeing him speaking like this made him confused and surprised instead of angry. He nodded.

"You seem angry son, but don't worry...if there is anything you want to know I'll gladly tell you" he said a small smile on his lips making Yoongi regret at the sudden outburst. His head and heart has been aching at the thoughts going on in his mind that for a second he forgot that the man in front of him was almost like a father figure to him.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lee, but please I need answers from you. You have to help me here" he said, eyes pleading making the old man immediately hold him by hand and bring him to the couch to sit down, nodding his head gesturing Yoongi to start what he wanted to know.

"Kim Taehyung, son of Kim Doyoung and Kim Aera. I heard that day when you mentioned his father's name...its not that difficult to know that the Doyoung you mentioned and Taehyung's father are the same person" he finished making Lee widen his eyes in shock.

He had hidden this fact for so long thinking of his promise, but looks like Yoongi had found out after all. Taking a deep breath, he started the past...the worst night of his life.

|| years ago||

A young man was helping his pregnant wife to slowly get down the stairs, scolding her, but still calm. He had told her numerous times not to get on the stairs while she was fully pregnant and also the fact that the date was overdue wasn't helping. But soon the anticipated time came as the woman wailed in pain and he was rushing to take her to the hospital.

Never in his imagination did he think that while waiting for her delivery to be over, he'd see his friend and his friend's wife to be strolled into the hospital looking bloody and broken. He never thought his little Taebear would be crying in pain as blood oozed from his little chubby arms.

He still remembers the last words Doyoung said to him before breathing his last.

"P-lease take care of my baby. There a-are a l-lot of people trying to get m-my company, b-but please take care o-of it and take care of my s-son too, don't let anyone k-know about his true i-identity. I t-trust you m-my friend." 


 Mr. Lee was crying, the pain of losing two friends on a single night resurfacing. If not for his parents being so much against adopting Taehyung, he would have immediately brought the little baby to his home right after the formalities. But he wasn't able to because of the conservative and close minded father and mother of his.

So he tried to find good people in business who would be willing to adopt Taehyung. 

"I remember Yohan coming to me and asking about why I was so eager to get Taehyug adopted. He is the only person to whom I have told about his identity. He was happy to adopt him"

Yoongi widened his eyes. No wonder they adopted his brother willingly. The power and money greedy people thought they could steal the property and inheritance from Taehyung and that was the sole reason for the adoption. 

"D-does Taehyung know who he is. Does he know about his mother and father?" Yoongi asked warily. He was so much overwhelmed with everything happening today. Seeing Mr. Lee nod seemed to be the last string for him.

"He did son. I told him about it when he turned 18. He has the rights to know. He knows that the company I run is rightfully his. His father had the will written the day Taehyung was born saying that after his life or after transferring the company to Taehyung's name, half would be his and the other half would be his partner's." Mr. Lee explained without giving him the full context of the will.

"I wanted to take care of him and help him in all the ways possible. Be there for him in every step. That is why I proposed his marriage with my daughter hoping that I can always have my eyes on him and the company. That was the only way I could keep my promise to Doyoung. Taehyung always used to tell me that he wanted to make Yohan and Sooya proud because he was thankful that they adopted him that day which lead to you being his brother."

Yoongi heart fluttered hearing that. The bond they shared was so deep and meaningful. He loved his baby brother a lot and it was hurting him to not know anything about Taehyung right now. Taehyung was trying to make a space for himself in his parents heart while the so called parents of his were just trying to milk him out for money and power. He felt his heart breaking for the younger. But soon, it turned to anger, the face of a certain woman coming to his mind.

"You daughter Mr. Lee, she is f-" but got cut off with the phone blaring in his pocket. He looked to Mr. Lee seeing the man looking at him in confusion at the mention of his daughter in middle of the conversation.

But he ignored it for now and took the call, heart leaping at the same time stiffening at the news.

"Yoongi? Taehyung was been admitted in the Seoul city hospital an hour ago. Please come fast"





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