Hiking & First Time

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Kazuha Pov:
I give her a quick kiss on the lips and I'll pulled her for a hug. Good I don't want to lose you again. She reciprocate the hug and after a minute. We let go and both interlock our hands together continue our hike up the mountain.

~ Mt. Tianheng (9:00pm)

Hu Tao Pov:
Hey handsome. He answer yes sunshine? After we fight off the hilichurls and you hug me said something about not wanting to lose me again. What's that about? I question him.

Kazuha Pov:
Do you remember of when you thought you finally saw your parents but it's turns out to be changelings disguised as them.

Hu Tao Pov:
Yeah I remember it's was horrible...I'll stop my self. Oh..ohhh.. I say in a sad tone. I look down I'll almost.

Kazuha Pov:
You almost died Hu Tao when I arrived to save you. You already past out on the ground. I yelled at them in anger and used my katana and slice them. I carried you back to your place while you were still injury.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh I'm so sorry it's all my fault I didn't mean to have you gone through more truma then you already have. You been through so much that I cause you to worried about you.

Kazuha Pov:
No it's wasn't your fault love it's was the changelings they trick your mind.

Hu Tao Pov:
I guess but still it's still my fault cause I fallen for trick that I shouldn't have notice it but nope I was desperate to finally maybe meet my parents.

Kazuha Pov:
Alright lets change the topic here it's our date night we supposed to have a good time now let's have good time. We both lay down and cuddle each other.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh sweetheart I have an idea. He answer what is it? Let's play guess the constellation but winner get a kiss.

Kazuha Pov:
Oh your on honey.

Hu Tao Pov:
On your mark get set go. Ok I see the rat constellation one point for me.

Kazuha Pov:
Alright I see the horse constellation one point for me.

Hu Tao Pov:
We both continue our competition to see who can find the most constellations but after an hour he won.

Kazuha Pov:
So I win smile at her.

Hu Tao Pov:
My archons I was so close sweetie so close just off by one point behind of you. Well I guess you have to kiss me. Gosh dang it I wanted to kiss you. Let me guess you read about a book about constellations of Liyue didn't.

Kazuha Pov:
Well yes I did. In fact I read about it just a few hours before our date.

Hu Tao Pov:
No fair you cheated.

Kazuha Pov:
I didn't cheat Hu Tao I was prepared for this show her the book. I smirk at her.

Hu Tao Pov:
Gasp why....you.... He ran away from me get back here. I ran towards him and jumped a bit for the book away from but he put it up haigher from me and I used my tipping toes to reach for it.

Kazuha Pov:
Sorry princess you can't reach it. Your shorter then me. I tease her.

Hu Tao Pov:
Of course I'm shorter then you but not by much only two inches. I puled my right hand up to the book. I'll almost...got it I strain. Oh yes I got it I trip over a rock and push us down to the grass I was on the ground while Kazuha was on top of me. I blushes of our position where in.

Kazuha Pov:
I look down at her realized that I was on top of her I blushes from the position where in. We both gaze into each other eyes while still have blushing. I glanced down at her lips. She also glances down on mine. I wrap right hand behind her head while she puts her arms around my neck. We both close our eyes and started kissing. After 10 seconds we both our eyes and smile at each other. But I wanted more so I pulled her to kiss again. This time I placed my tongue inside of her mouth.

Hu Tao Pov:
I blushes cause his tongue is all over inside of my mouth. I know what's he wants so I appreciate hi gesture. So I connected my tongue with his. I moaning at his affection so we're both making out. After 10 minutes we both opened our eyes and blushes from the experience we did. He got off of me and pulled me up from the ground.

Kazuha Pov:
Oh my I'm so...so..sorry love I didn't warning you! I should have ask you if you want to make out with me. But I know you would have say no cause you weren't ready for that.

Hu Tao Pov:
Kazuzu it's alright I'll enjoy the experience we did. I blushes at him while smile at him.

Kazuha Pov:
You did!?

Hu Tao Pov:
I nodded yes I did in fact that's was our first time making out and I have to say we're really good of it.

Kazuha Pov:
I guess so. My archon we really did that! I have to say I heard your moaning.

Hu Tao Pov:
I blushes Aiya you did I thought you didn't heard of it. Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make those noises it's was just it's was so good that I couldn't help but moan.

Kazuha Pov:
I walked towards her and place my right hand on her cheek it's alright dear your noises were endearing.

Hu Tao Pov:
Oh well I'm glad you think of that. So it's getting late we should head back to Liyue Harbor. We wrap our hands together with his right palm on top of mine I'll wrap my fingers under his right palm.

Kazuha Pov:
" Your touch, like a soothing balm,
Brings calm to my soul,
like a peaceful psalm,
Your love, like a symphony of joy,
Fills my heart, forever to enjoy."

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