Chapter 3: What the Actual Shuck?

Start from the beginning

"Leah..?" I groaned, "definitely need some pain meds!"

I heard a chuckle. My eyes shot open and I scrambled into the corner. Turning head back and forth trying to figure out where I was and who was laughing. A tall boy with a dark tan and short dark cropped hair stood by the door or the dilapidated structure I was in.

In an instant I took in my surroundings, I was in a room, it was full of plants and herbs hanging from the ceiling, giving the room a fresh earthy smell. A wall was covered in shelves, full of all kinds of medicine bottles and equipment, towels, blankets and other supplies. In the middle of the room was a big wooden table piled high with garbage, first aid supplies, clean and dirty bandages, some cups, and bowls, a chopping block with a clever, a mortar with some crushed herbs, but most pill bottles and other medical supplies. My sore head had a hard time trying to process where I was. This was not The Healers Hut and that was definitely not Leah.

The sun was shining through an open window, but it looked like it was setting, it had that orange glow to it. The boy hadn't moved. But she was on high alert. This wasn't The Meadow.

The door opposite her bed opened and a tall muscular boy with black hair stepped through, deep in conversation with a tall blond who looked oddly familiar. They stopped when they saw I was awake. I sprung from the bed, ready to fight.

"Where am I? Why am I here? Who are you?" I demanded. I knew I didn't have my long knife or my backpack. I didn't know what happened to them, but I was ready to fight regardless. I was always ready to fight. My muscles tensed and coiled.

The tall dark haired guy held his hands up, "Whoa slow down their Shuckface!"

"I'll slow down when you tell me what the fuck is going on! This ain't the Meadow! Who the hell are you?" I yelled.

My hands clenched into fists. I felt the adrenaline flowing through me, I knew I was ready to fight to the death. I hadn't seen a boy in two and a half years and the Designers sent up one and now that's all I'm seeing.

The door banged open again and a curly brown haired guy who was built like a tank stormed in.

"What's going on?"

"We heard yelling!"

"Is everything okay?"

''What happened?''

I was confused, terrified and I felt very very trapped. My eyes darted around the room. I was trapped by four boys, four teenage boys, all way taller and possibly stronger than me. Though I noticed the one boy, the tall muscular Asian had a white bandage around his bicep, and it was stained red. He was the one I must have sent my knife towards.

My flash of pride was quickly replaced with a caged fear, I needed to get out. I needed an exit; the door was blocked. While my eyes darted around the room, I spotted my large knife, and two of my smaller ones sitting on the table in the middle of the room. My backpack was sitting on the chair beside the table. My eyes then found the window. Always have an exit strategy, I knew exactly what to do.

I sprung forwards, and snatched my knives off the table before the boys could react, and grabbed my backpack. I jumped up onto the top of the table with the ease of a cat; I threw my backpack on as I jumped. Now I was armed, had the high ground and holding them ready to fight. The Asian boy and the shirt stock tank if a boy yelled and lunged for me as the only familiar blond boy laughed with the darker skinned boy.

As the two boys lunged towards me and the table, I kicked at the bowl and other things piled up. Everything went flying towards the boys. With a cry of surprise they all leaped aside and ducked out of the way of flying objects. I leaped off the table and over to the open window.

Unintentional Subject - Book 1 In The Jessie Series Where stories live. Discover now