Perhaps this is what her student years looked like.

To be honest, she used to hate reading and everything related to reading, since childhood she considered reading incredibly boring and tedious. Probably the whole point was that the educational part was incredibly boring books that education considered necessary for students, but this was by no means the case.

But with age, everything changes: friends, tastes, interests, views on life, furniture in the apartment, the apartment itself, even a pair of socks. And she would never have thought that she would read books, if a ten-year-old girl had seen herself, she would have laughed or at least bulged her eyes.

The music was playing in her ears, drowning out everything and everyone around her as Jisoo headed for the cash register.

While waiting in line, brown eyes stared at one point, as if her thoughts were somewhere far beyond this place, but at the same time she was aware of where she was. A beige oversize sweatshirt warmed her body, gray sweatpants and white sneakers sat comfortably and homely on her feet.

Lost in disorderly thoughts, she stood with her elbows leaning against the handle of the cart, which contained many different products and many different goodies. The thought that her hungry fridge would soon be filled with food lifted her spirits to some extent.

Fingers drummed to the beat of the song Is you is or is you ain't my baby, where Louis Jordan's soulful and pleasant voice sounded behind the live instrumental composition.

Rings sat on her thin long fingers, a silver ring with tiny black stones shone on the thumb of her right hand, also on the index finger there was a silver ring in the shape of a writhing snake, on the middle finger it sat in the form of a twig with thin petals, on the ring finger with diamonds, where there were tiny sparkling stones inside, on the left hand There was one gold-plated ring with a shining stone in the middle.

These rings were a gift from her mother, who currently worked as a chef on the ship for about five months. For about ten years, Mrs. Kim worked as a ship's cook. Unlike her daughter, she was an excellent cook.

To Jisoo's disappointment, no matter how hard she tried to cook something, it all came down to defeat.

It's not that she didn't know how to cook at all, only if something simple and not refined, for example, fried eggs with fried potatoes, salads, French cheese rolls, baked Provencal tomatoes, omelette with vegetables.

That's all she could learn in French cuisine.

She probably just didn't have much practice.

Most often, she had breakfast with simple scrambled eggs with bacon or cheese with hot black tea, since she only had breakfast in the morning on working days. Since she could hardly get up early in the morning, let alone walk the dog, she ate something and went to work.

When the music changed to the next one, Jisoo blinked and noticed that the queue was moving slowly. Her lower back started to ache a little from standing up, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

One earphone was dangling, leaving one ear audible, although she really wanted to drown out the conversations and noises of the store.

But to her interest, she was attracted by an Asian-looking girl at the checkout, who was putting groceries in her bag. And only God could argue about her beauty, in the sense that, God, this girl is irresistibly beautiful.

Dark silky hair that did not fall off the shoulders of a spring light denim jacket, plump cheeks, a cute little nose, soft-looking lips - everything about her spoke of attractiveness. The girl looked like a model, as soon as she saw paparazzi nearby, but when Jisoo looked around, they were nowhere to be seen.

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