"I'll break up with you"

"Not likely" Georgie said quickly "you love me too much"

"You irritate me" I said honestly since this conversation was going nowhere.

"I love you too, now I need to go but I'll see you later" Georgie said to me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before following Scott down the hall. I took a second to think before quickly walking towards where Milly had gone since I knew I was going to be late if I didn't.

"I don't know what has gotten into him" I said quietly to Milly, Lacey, and Riley as we sat in class. Milly was on my left, where Georgie usually sits and Lacey was on my right, next to her was Riley.

"Maybe they just don't care about sport anymore" Riley said, trying to defend Georgie and Scott.

"For once in your life can you just take someone else's side that isn't theirs?" Milly asked in an annoyed tone.

"There's no reason to snap at him" Lacey defended her boyfriend.

"So, you think it's ok that they just quit?" I asked Riley, getting back to the topic.

"Georgie doesn't get as much playing time as he used to, and Scott is under a lot of stress from being captain of the basketball team" Riley defended. "Besides, why is it so important that they keep playing?"

"They made a commitment for one thing" I said.

"And for the other, we are mostly upset about them skipping class" Milly added.

"Why are you complaining to me and Lacey about it? If it upsets you so much just talk to them, they are your boyfriends" Riley said and started to do his work again and Lacey did the same.

"Ok, fine, changing the subject. Who misses Sheldon?" Milly asked and that made me, Lacey, and Riley look at her with a shocked and confused expression.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"What?" Riley asked.

"Me too" Lacey said with a small nod.

"Why do you miss him?" I asked her.

"He was annoying, don't get me wrong, but he was entertaining" Milly said "Like, remember when he was yelling at Derek randomly?"

"Oh yea, that was amazing" Lacey said.

"Or when he ran out of class because the teacher sneezed and he thought he was gonna die from it" Riley said.

"Ok, Milly, I can definitely see where your coming from. I kind of miss him too" I said.

"Yea, but I don't miss his annoying comments or when he would take over the class" Milly said.

"I agree" the three of us replied.

After school me and Milly went to the store where we all worked and I saw Georgie stocking some shelves.

"Ok, I'll go talk to Georgie, you talk to Scott?" I asked Milly and she nodded before quickly walking off to find her boyfriend while I went up to mine.

"Hey" I said and Georgie turned to me and smiled.

"Hey, how was your day?" he asked, trying to make conversation.

"I've been thinking about what we were talking about earlier" I said.

"You agree with me?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Georgie, you have your whole life to worry about a job, why start when your so young?"

"Because I like my job"

Oh My God (Young Sheldon)Where stories live. Discover now