The return.

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Before I start the story, imagine it as around 6 episodes after Tristan leaves the show. If you are reading this, and you haven't watched the series, then I recommend watching it first and then coming back to read this. Maybe until Tristan leaves.

"Mom!! Have you seen my new book that Miss Patty gave me?" I shouted while running down the stairs.

"What book?" Lorelai replied.

"Come on you know which one the Donna Tart book!" I screamed in a hurry for school.

"No! Do you want a poptart?" Lorelai responded sarcastically.

I ran outside and slammed the door. I walked to Lane's house to see if her mum would let her out.

"Lane!!" I shouted

"Rory! I have 5 minutes until I have to go so be quick" Lane said.

"I can't find my book!" I shouted.

"Mhm all you ever do is read. Its probably fallen down your bookshelf or something" Lane replied.

"Lane!!" I shouted

"Rory I would like to stand and chat but my mum will ground me if I don't go back in" Lane said.

I turned around and started walking to school. When I first got into the Chilton grounds, I saw Tristan.

"Hey Mary" Tristan flirted.

"Ugh Tristan I don't have time for this" I replied.

"What you don't miss me?" he responded

"Come on you've only been gone for a few weeks and I thought you were leaving anyways" I said.

"Ha well I'm back now. And now... I gotta go to class. See you later Mary!" he pointed at me and ran off.

I sighed and shook my head. Paris bumped into me.

"I thought he was leaving?" Paris asked.

"Well I dont know... I guess hes back" I replied

"You don't like him do you" Paris responded

"No off course not-" I said.

"Good. Better watch your back if you ever go near him on purpose" Paris said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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