chapter 3

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Colby sat in his plain seat bouncing his leg as “yesam" sat beside him a bit pissed off. The plane was getting close to start landing and Sam looked over to colby.

“I am not sleeping in the basement alone..” He said a small laugh escaping his mouth as Colby looked up at him.

“You want to go to the woods alone?” Colby responded. Sam opened his mouth to speak but just stayed silent.

“That's what i thought.” Colby said as the pilot talked through the speaker system.

“All passengers remain seated and fasten your seatbelts to prepare for landing thank you.” The speaker shut off and Colby had tightened his seatbelt along with sam. 

The plane was landing and Sam's ears were in a lot of pain as he tried popping them but it wasn't working. Colby noticed his discomfort and let Sam hold his hand to squeeze. Sam quickly took the offer locking their fingers. 

Once they locked hands a flutter washed over both of their hearts but they both thought it was the plane turbulence. Sam squeezed clobys hand trying not to squeeze it hard to not hurt him. The plane landed and their hands separated. 

They undid their seat belts and started the unboarding process. 

Sam and Colby had finally got off of the plane and called an uber since they didn't have a rental car. 

“It's cold out here,” Sam said, still feeling that fluttering feeling in his chest but he brushed it off. 

“Yeah it is but the uber will be here soon, we're staying at the Harrisville hotel tonight.” Colby replied as he waited outside with Sam for their uber. 

The uber arrives and both Sam and Colby sit in the back.  The uber starts driving to their destination and they sit there in silance. They got into the hotel room and started setting their stuff down.

“Well one more day..” Sam said with worry in his voice. Colby looked over from testing the cameras to see if they work.

“Yeah, I'm excited to talk to Abigail again, but there definitely is stuff to be worried about there.” Colby responded, while  putting their cameras back into their luggage. 

“Well, I mean if we go in there positively we will get positive responses from most of the spirits.” Sam said laying down.  Athens when Colby sighed and looked over.

“There's only two beds, and we have to use this one for equipment.” Colby said looking over to his friend awkwardly. 

“This has happened before.'' Sam shrugged, not seeing it as a big deal even though he got a fluttery feeling in his chest. The feeling felt similar to what he felt to Kat, but being in denial he pushed it to simple anxiety towards going to the conjuring house the next morning. 

“Yeah it has.” Colby also shrugged laying next to Sam also feeling a familiar fluttering fleeing but shoved it deep down with the flutter feelings he's had around Sam for years. He was aware of his crush for Sam but didn't want to be so he shoved it down deep inside his heart. 

“Well, we should probably get to rest soon. We have a big day ahead of us.” Colby followed Sam, already looking half asleep. He turned  over to face colby.

“More like a long two weeks.” He scoffed, closing his eyes. Colby furrowed his eyebrows but shrugged the passive aggressive comment away, the familiar fluttering feeling escaping its roots and buzzing around him. He quickly faced away from Sam to avoid it. The feeling eventually went away as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The window left open in their apartment filled the warm atmosphere with the cold January winds. During the cold late night sams eyes shuddered open still very much mostly asleep not being able to see in the dark, he grabs the boy next to him and rests on him. 

very quickly feeling the warmth of the other it drifts Sam back into a sleep as he feels a pair of very tired arms wrap around him. Both parties were too tired to think of what they were doing, drifting back off to sleep. 

The rest of the night was peaceful, the studdle gust of wind flowing through their hotel accompanied by the sound of late night bugs and the soft hold the pair had on one another. Though both were unaware of what they were exchanging with each other. 

The sun peaked up as the light reflected onto colbys face from the open window. His eyes shuddered open. Taking a minute to wake up he realized he felt very comfortable. And he had weight on one of his arms.

He looked down, seeing Sam huddled toward him and being held. His heart fluttered but something told him this was wrong. He aggressively pushed him off, waking Sam as Colby stood up looking at sam.

“Dude what the fuck!” Sam said standing up seeing Colby pissed, he was utterly confused as he looked for a shirt.

“You know what i fucking mean you sick pervert!” Colby shouted back and Sam looked at him laced with anger and confusion.

“What the fuck do you mean you just woke me up by throwing me off the bed and now your shouting at me!” Sam snapped back. 

“You were all fuckin huddled up to me and shit like  was you boyfreind!” Colby shouted, Sam's face dropped and so did his heart as the memories flushed back from his half asleep mishaps. 

“Dude I was half asleep and it was cold, an honest mistake if you don't need to get all pissed! Why is it even a bad thing you know you're straight and I know I'm straight! You're overreacting!” Sam shouted. 

Colby took a deep breath and sighed. “Sorry, I don't know why it ticked me off so much, are you okay?” Colby said, sitting back down.

“Dude,,, you have some fucking issues, and yes im fine. Are you?” he said a faint blush on his face but anger filled him as the tension grew deeper.

Whatever, just get the camera so we can film the car ride there..”

A/N im going to be starting a jake x johnnie book as well! I think I'm able to take on the two projects at once! Sorry for the late update. I was failing some classes and had to stay after the next update will be in 1 or 2 days. The jake x johnnie book will be releasing its first chapter tonight! 

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