Kink- smut, Cha Hyun-Su

Start from the beginning

Opening the door as your head for the hanging clothes, closing the door a bit behind you , checking to make sure they were completely dry as you take them off the string, placing them inside the crate , as your were taking down  Ah-Yi gloves you head the door behind opened

Quickly becoming nervous as you turn to face the door , holding the gloves tightly as you hear pairs of foot steps heading your way , biting your lip as you watch as the door slowly opens as your breath quickens

Letting out a small breath as your nervous now clam down once you see it was Hyun su as he enters the room , Ah-Yi following behind soon after

"You..washed my gloves" Ah-Yi says as she stares at the now clean gloves in your hands

"U-uh yea , here you go" you say nervously as you hand her the gloves carefully

"Thanks" Ah-yi says with a smile carefully taking the gloves from your hands , making sure to not touch you once as she places the gloves on her hands , smiling at how bright they looked

" I'm going to my room , I'm super tired" Ah-Yi says with a small yarn smile still on her face , giving her a small nod as you give her a wave , Ah-Yi quickly gives Hyun su a hug and good night before running off to the spare room

Quickly facing Hyun su once Ah-Yi was far enough as you notice his tired face, quickly noticing a pair of eyes on him as he turns to look as you , cheeks turning red as he see you staring at him

"W-Why are you..looking at me like that" Hyun su says with a blush as he becomes a bit nervous to what you were up to

"Just thinking"you reply with a small smile as you coo to stare at Hyun su

"T-Thinking of what exactly " Hyun su asks now being curious to what you were thinking exactly, as his heads tilts to the side a bite , looking like a lost puppy

"How would you both feel about a baby" You asks bravely as you look Hyun Su in the eyes as his eyes becomes slightly wide , quickly turning his head as he now faces a mirror, one of his eyes turning blue

'Is that a good idea' Hyun su asks his self

'Come on , say yes , imagine it' Hyun su monster self replies

'How much bigger her boobs will be, the breast milk, how big her belly will become carrying our child, if you want I can take over , maybe even take turn , yah' His mister self adds as he shows off a wide smile

As Hyu su takes a minute to think , cashing you to become confused as he suddenly became quite noticing that he was staring in the mirror as you turn to look in the mirror see into that one of his brown eyes was now blue , now getting what was going on as you patiently wait for their decision

' Okay , just don't hurt her' Hyun su finally agrees as he feels his self fall into a deep sleep

As Hyun su slowlg turns to face you eyes now closed as he softly runs his neck with one of his hands , after a couple seconds his opens his eyes staring straight in to your soul causing your cunt to become as you let out a soft whimper

Taking slow steps towards you as he stops only a inch away as he bends down to your height now eye to eye with you

Eyes scanning between your lips and yes and he gives you a small smirk barely noticeable

"What are we going the do" Hyun su says with a slight smirk eyes now locking with yours , quickly picking you up in his strong arms as your legs wrap around his waist ,arm wrapped arm hai neck as he's still staring in to your eyes as he turns and carries you out of the room

Exiting the drying room as he heads down the halls towers yours shared room , taking one hand as he quickly opens the door kicking it closed once he was inside , walking tot he bed as he carefully throw a you on the bed , heading for the door , as he locks the door , heading back to you on the bed as his takes a minute to look you over

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