( Ramen)


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After arranging table they goes to call everyone for dinner.

Sana waw in her room till now. She was thinking what can she do so everyone will start to believe her.

That's when jin comes to call her for dinner.

Now only taekook was absent in dining table.

SANA - Where is taehyung and jungkook?

She asked while frowning her eye brows cuz she thought that kook was already their.

HOPE - Oh they must be doing tae's assignment till now you all sit I will call them.

After saying that hope went to call taekook.

After sometime they here giggling sound making them chuckle knowing what would be happening their.

SANA - Why are you all laughing?

She asked being confused not knowing why they all were laughing.

JOON - You don't know what is happening their but we all know that what kook will be doing with tae and today even Hoba is also with him means .....

He said they all laugh knowing what will they do with tae.

SANA - Why what will they do ?

JIN - They will be probably tickling him together.

As jin said this tae comes their running and hides behind suga.

TAE - Sugar hyung please save me from this two monkeys they are tickling me together.

Tae said while whining at suga.

SUGA - Yeahh why are you tickling him . You know right how tickling he is.

Suga said while pretending to be angry.

After listening this tae started to whining more and looking at joon with his puppy eyes.

JOON - Ok kook and hoba leave him and sit let's eat dinner.

Joon said not able to handle tae's puppy eyes.

Let's see what will happen In dining table in next part.


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Let's meet in next part.

Till then......


Take care....

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