𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑒𝑎 - 𝑎 𝑠𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠

Start from the beginning

But before she jumped, she would push me down first.

A sigh escaped my lips as I put my gaze on the big palace of Alfea, the famous school for fairies and my new home. Since I found out that I can do magic I've dreamt about going here to school, however my mother didn't allow me that, but she allowed me to go to the Royal Academy instead of having private teachers.

It wasn't what I wanted, but better than having to study alone. Pushing my suitcase behind me, I moved towards the queue of students who were registering themselves by the deputy headmistress.

Sophia, my maid who had visited Alfea, had told me about her. She is strict, and I shouldn't mess with her. I waited in line and when it was my turn I took a deep breath. "Cayetana from Solaria." Of course, this wasn't my real name, it was an alias.

The deputy headmistress Ms. Griselda found my name and let me in. From the distance, I saw a crowd of first-graders like me standing. I stood next to them and took a glance at the courtyard of Alfea.

My gaze moved to the building. It was much bigger than I had imagined. When I looked at one of the big windows, I saw a young man not much older than me standing. He had an upright posture and was wearing black clothes with a golden pattern.

However, that wasn't the only thing that caught my eye. The color of his eyes. They were golden.

They were so beautiful. Was it even possible to have golden eyes? I shook my head. Of course, it was, after all, that wasn't the most supernatural thing in this universe.

As if he had noticed my gaze on him, he looked straight at me. Golden is a warm color, but his eyes were so cold. A cold shiver ran down my spine. I turned my attention to Ms. Griselda who was walking in front of us because that guy looked so scary. Much scarier than my mother after she found out I painted my nails red.

But what was he doing here? I mean, Alfea is a school for females and not males. And he looked too young to be a teacher. Before I could continue to think about that guy, Ms. Griselda interrupted my thoughts.

"This will be your new home for the next five years. But! This home can cease to be yours at any moment. The rules of this institution will be based on discipline. Disregard these rules, and I'll personally escort you to the front gate! This is not a magician school, not here to learn Hocus-pocus. Consequently, you may not use your powers in the hallways, or any common areas. In fact, the only places you may display your powers is in your classroom under teacher supervision. Is that clear, Princess Stella!?"

I turned my gaze towards the direction the deputy headmistress was looking, however all I could see was a glimpse of blonde hair because there were so many students. I've never seen or met the Princess of Solaria, but I heard about the incident.

Everyone in the Royal Academy was talking about how scandalous the Crown Princess is.

"Thanks to you and your antics, the potion laboratory will not be accessible until next month at the earliest! Now I think you know what not to do if you wish to stay?" Before Ms. Griselda could continue yelling at us, the headmistress came with three other professors.

"Sorry I'm late. I hope you would excuse me." Ms. Faragonda spoke with a calm voice which was a great contrast to the loud voice of the deputy headmistress.

"Ladies! Here comes your headmistress. Attention!" Ms. Griselda yelled. "I hope Ms. Griselda hasn't frightened you very much. Welcome to Alfea! The best fairy school in all of magix!"

The headmistress walked to the entrance and while opening she ordered us with a nice voice, "Come in ladies! Here we are!"

"Becoming a fairy is hard work, but I know that everyone here can do it. Keep in mind, the teachers and I are always here to help you. Okay, enough with the boring stuff, feel free to explore your surroundings, but be very careful. There are dangers lurking out. Stay away from the witches of Cloud Tower." She warned us.

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