Whiteout x Thoughtful

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No but I love this ship. They are LITERALLY soulmates. And I'm not just saying that like I always say it but like Clearsight saw their future and they were ACTUALLY soulmates. And Thoughtful is just PERFECT for Whiteout. Like Whiteout is a QUEEN and if anyone deserves her it's Thoughtful. Also I think Whiteout can like half see the future because she said like 2 things (I think) that came true. There was the one time when she was like: "Only one of us will see her (Foeslayer) again, depending on who loses the future". And she was right cos Darkstalker 'lost the future' and he saw Foeslayer again, but Whiteout had a nice peaceful life and 'won' the future and she never saw her again. And the other time is kinda the same but at the almost very end of Darkstalker: Legends (When they free her from Arctic's spell) she says: "I'm grateful to be unfrozen, but I'm sorry for winning". Which is her saying like, she 'won the future' and she's sorry because it means Darkstalker has 'lost'. Anyways this turned more into my theories about Whiteout (I actually love her tho she is the best) and not really a review of the ship but ANYWAYS I give them a...

7/10! (Whiteout definitely carries the ship but nvm that)

PS: Btw if u know the ship name for them tell me in the comments :)

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