Ben walks past the table, noticing Five sitting alone. He looks a bit confused but decides to approach. With a chuckle, Ben teases, "What's with you? The ice cream man didn't come?" Five, however, is not in the mood for jokes and responds with a sarcastic smile, "Very funny."

Unfazed by Five's tone, Ben slows down his chuckles and walks over to the table, slightly concerned. He persists, "But seriously, why are you so emo all of a sudden?" Five, clearly frustrated, mumbles a retort, "Where have you been this whole week?" Ben, now crossing his arms, adopts a more serious tone, stating, "I've been dealing with my own shit." Five can't resist poking at Ben's vulnerabilities, casually mentioning, "Your daddy issues?" Ben's jaw clenches, and he grinds his teeth, responding with visible anger, "That's none of your concern."

Five chuckles at Ben's persistent curiosity, shaking his head in amusement. Ben, growing increasingly annoyed, rolls his eyes and demands, "Are you gonna keep being a prick, or are you going to answer my question?" Five, still grappling with his emotions, sighs and confesses, "I let my guard down for someone and faced the consequences."

Intrigued, Ben raises his eyebrows and decides to take a seat at the table. He smirks and probes further, "Really? Who was it?" Five, not in the mood to share personal details, rolls his eyes at Ben's question. He retorts, "Yeah, like I'm going to tell you." Unfazed, Ben drops his smirk, growing more serious as he scoffs, "Why not?" He asks with annoyance and sternness, demanding some explanation.

Five smiles sarcastically, retorting, "Well, first of all, you're an asshole. Second of all, I don't like you. And third of all, it's none of your goddamn business." Five emphasizes the last part sternly, his expression serious. Ben rolls his eyes, dismissing Five's words, and mutters, "Yeah, yeah, I get it. You all like your Ben better." Five nods with a smirk, replying, "Now you're starting to get it." Ben scoffs in frustration, muttering a dismissive "Whatever," and walks away.

As Ben starts to leave, Five turns around and adds, "Maybe try being less of a dick, yeah?" Five chuckles to himself, and Ben, visibly angered, grits his teeth and storms off in frustration.

Klaus walks into the lobby just in time to witness Ben storming past him. Ben mutters, "Out of my way," and shoves past Klaus. Klaus stumbles backward, wide-eyed, watching Ben walk away in evident frustration. Klaus looks around, visibly confused, and then notices Five. He decides to walk over to Five, who groans upon seeing him.

"Can a man not get some alone time? Jesus Christ," Five mutters as Klaus takes a seat at his table. Klaus looks around, then back at Five, asking, "What's Benny boy's problem?" Five rolls his eyes and defensively raises his hands, saying, "I just pointed out the obvious." Klaus sighs and says, "Look, he's not our Ben, but we'll have to take what we have." Five simply sighs in response.

Klaus mentions, "And from what I heard, he's somewhat trying to be less meaner." Five chuckles and glances at Klaus, asking, "Oh yeah?" Klaus nods, saying, "Yeah... in his own way." An awkward silence settles between them. Klaus breaks it by clearing his throat and awkwardly continuing, "So how've you been since um, she who shall not be named." Klaus chuckles at his own joke, but Five doesn't appear amused, merely shrugging in response.

Klaus's smile drops, and he nods, responding, "I'm going to take that as not too well..." Five furrows his brows, seemingly defensive, and retorts, "I'm totally fine, what do you mean?" Klaus kisses his teeth and says, "Not from what Diego told me..." The mention of Diego's involvement makes Five visibly irritated, as he asks, "What did Diego tell you?" Klaus leans back in his chair, nonchalantly responding, "Oh, nothing much. Just that you've been drowning your sorrows in vodka." Five scoffs and rolls his eyes, dismissively saying, "Diego always exaggerates."

Klaus tilts his head and says, "Mhm, are you sure about that?" Five's expression grows more annoyed as he retorts, "Diego tends to dramatize things. I can handle my own problems." Klaus raises an eyebrow, studying Five's demeanor, and then smirks, saying, "Well, you're certainly handling them with grace and poise." Five shoots Klaus a sharp look, unamused by the sarcasm.

Five huffs, "Look, I don't need commentary on my life from you or Diego. I'm handling things just fine."

Klaus smirks, "Oh, handling them like the vodka bottles in the lobby?"

Five glares at Klaus, "That's none of your business. And for your information, I don't need any lectures from you."

Klaus raises an eyebrow, "Lectures? Just trying to be a good brother. Maybe you should talk to someone, you know, instead of drowning your problems in alcohol."

Five scoffs, "Talking doesn't solve anything. It just adds more chaos."

Klaus leans back, "You might be surprised. Sometimes a good conversation can do wonders. You can't shut everyone out forever, Five."

Five grumbles, "I'm not shutting everyone out. I just need time to think."

Klaus chuckles, "Time to think, or time to brood? You've always been the brooding type."

Five shoots him a sharp look, "I don't need your psychoanalysis. I'll deal with things my own way."

Klaus smirks, "Suit yourself. But you're not the only one affected by all this drama."

Five rolls his eyes, "Save the drama for your afterlife séances, Klaus."

Klaus mockingly salutes, "Will do, Mr. Grumpy Pants. But seriously, talk to someone. It might help."

Five's temper flares, "Help? Klaus, you're the last person I'd take advice from. You're a walking disaster!"

Klaus leans in, undeterred, "Hey, I might be a disaster, but at least I'm embracing it. You, on the other hand, are wallowing in self-pity."

Five scoffs, "Wallowing? I'm just dealing with things my own way."

Klaus smirks, "And how's that working for you, huh? The vodka bottles tell a different story."

Five slams his hand on the table, "Enough, Klaus! I don't need your judgment or anyone else's. I'll handle my problems however I see fit."

Klaus leans back, a sly grin on his face, "Okay, okay, no need to get all grumpy. But seriously, if you ever want to talk, I'm here. Just try not to drown yourself in more alcohol, alright?"

Five glares at Klaus before muttering, "I don't need anyone's help," and storms off, leaving Klaus with an amused expression.

Word count: 1828

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