Two can play at that game

Start from the beginning

The boy still on the couch watched the moment with a grin on his face.

"Come on in!" Juliette continued after putting the small girl down.

"Thank you!"

"Would you like a drink?" The older girl asked, walking into the kitchen. "Waters fine," Leah responded, before turning to the curly haired boy on the couch.

"Hi, I'm Leah" she introduced herself, putting her hand out for him to shake.


Just then the door bell rang again. "I'll get it," Juliette shouted, running from the kitchen to the door. Flinging the door open just as she did for Leah, she was met by a beautiful girl with long curly hair just like her own.

"Let's get this party started," the girl in the door way spoke happily. A fun smirk playing on her lips, as her a Juliette had a big hug.

"Leah and Charlie are in the living room, I'm just making drinks. Do you want one?" Juliete pulled away.

"Soda would be great," she answered, as they split ways one going to the kitchen one going to the living room.

Juliette heard two happy squeals coming from the living room. She let out a silent chukle, grabbing a three Sprites and a water from the fridge.

"Need some help." She heard Charlie behind her, as she tried to carry the four drinks. "That would be nice."

He took one of the Sprites and the water from her grip. "Thank you," she smiled.

"Anytime darling," he replied, sending her a smile back.

Juliette almost dropped the two Sprites Darling, did he just call me darling? She was freaking out, to deep in thought she didn't hear Charlie call her names.

A hand on her shoulder snapped her back to reality. She could feel her cheeks go hot. Her whole face turning pink.

"You look like a tomato. Are you good?" Charlie asked, faking confusion. He knew exactly why she was blushing and that he was the cause of it.

"What? Huh? Oh, yeah just great." She replied speeding past him causing him to chukle to himself.

"You good there Jules? Your all red," Dior asked her curly haired friend. Who just shook her head yes. Afraid of what would come out of her mouth if she opened it.

She sat the Sprites infront of her and Dior, before joining her on the couch. Charlie soon joined the girls, taking a seat on the couch righ next to Juliette. Who still hadn't said anything. The leg grazed eachothers as he sat. He reached across her lap, his chest on her legs. She cod feel his hard chest against her thighs. He handed the water to Leah, who gave him a kind smile showing her thanks.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie," Juliette threw her words out quickly, they were spoken so fast they were barely audible. She leaned forward to grab the remote but her momentum was to fast and she nearly fell forward, but before she could eat shit on the coffee table two hands grabbed her waist stopping her.

She didn't have to look back to see who's hands they were. She could feel his big soft hands on the sliver of her stomach right under her shirt.

"You need to be more careful...darling," Charlie spoke, emphasizing the darling to make sure she heard it as he pulled her back on to the couch. A teasing smirk played on his lips.

Juliette could here the smirk in his voice with made her face, if even possible, go an even darker shade of red.

"I need to use the restroom," Juliette spoke quickly, getting up just as fast.

"What was that about?" Leah asked the older boy. Who gave her a fake clueless look, but he couldn't help the smirk that spread on his face. Which was then noticed by Dior, and in that moment she knew what this was about.

With the same smirk she got up and followed after the older girl. Leah took the hint and followed soon after. Leaving Charlie alone, the smirk never leaving his face as he took a drink of his Spirte.

Juliette was splashing her face with cold water when a knock was heard. She walk to the door opening it just a crack scared of who was on the other side. Relief flooded her body as she seen the two girls standing there playful smirks on their face.

"So, what was that?" Dior asked her new friend the same playful smile pulling on the corner of her lips.

"I don't know," she replied with a sigh. Her feelings were every where she had just met the boy a couple hours ago and she was already having these feelings. Him giving her pet names wasn't helping, like at all, but she would be lying if she said she didn't like him calling her darling.

"So do you like him?" Leah asked the question this time. "I mean we just met this morning. I haven't known him long enough. But, he is cute," she replied, fidgeting with her hands.

The two younger girls let out happy girly noises. Which Juliette instantly tried to shut down. The walls were thin and she was scared the boy on the couch would hear.

She was right the boy was scrolling through Instagram on his phone when he heard the noise from the bathroom which made him chuckle for the hundredth time today. He hadn't laughed this much in a long time it hurt his cheeks.

A few seconds later he heard the bathroom door open and shut aswell as some incoherent whispers from the girls. When they entered the living room once more, Juliette's face had returned to its naturally tan color.

"Well look who decided to re-join the party," Chalire started with a smirk looking up from his phone.

"We're gonna start getting ready pretty boy. So I were you, I would too," Juliette spoke, a playfully smile finding it way to her lips when the boys eyes widened slightly and his lips parted before he regained his composure. Her and the girls decided that if he would get to call her pet name, she could too. Guess what Charlie.

Two can play at that game..


I love these two sm. The three girls finally getting to meet, Charlie's new name for Juliette, her blushing like crazy. I'm so happy!

Your gonna love the girl trio, they are gonna gossip like there's no tomorrow. I just love this book.

Like always please, please, please vote and comment hearing that you guys love this story just as much as I do makes me want to keep writing.

Lastly, If you spot any spelling or grammar errors, no you don't😁

Bye my loves💋

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