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heyy! this is a mclennon/starrison au set in the early 90s :) this is also my first fanfic!! hope u guys enjoy <3

the opening notes of elton john's "honky cat" tinnily started playing from a cd player.

paul mccartney wearily opened his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. it was a ripe 5:30 in the morning, and the first day of his new job on campus, working at the local coffee shop.

"good day, sunshine..." he muttered and pulled himself out of bed.

"mhhuh?" there was a groggy murmur from a lump of blankets on the opposite bed. george harrison had surprisingly slept through honky cat, but was awakened by paul's mutter of "good day, sunshine."

turning off his alarm, he grabbed the clothes he had picked out the night before. baggy jeans, a belt, and an argyle sweater awaited him.

"good morning, georgie. get up, stupid." paul threw a pillow at george, and then pulled the blanket off of him. george was supposed to take paul to his new job, as george worked there too.

"mm. i d'wanna." a tired reply came from the mess of skinny limbs and shockingly dark hair.

"get up. you're supposed to take me to this new job, remember?" paul was acting bitchy now. he needed george to get up.

"alright, alright. i'm up!" george sat up, and blinked at paul for a few seconds, and then got fully out of bed. his clothes hung loosely on his skinny body, and he trudged over to the clothes he had set out for himself. light brown corduroy pants, a belt, and a large jimi hendrix shirt were what george had picked out.

"george, you sure you're gonna wear tha-"

he was cut off by a bony hand across his mouth.

"shurrup, mccartney. hendrix is god."

paul got the message and licked george's hand to get it off of his mouth.

george recoiled immediately, but they both knew it was too early for this.

"ey, georgie, can i get dressed first?" paul asked, hoping to use their single bathroom first.

"as long as you don't take twenty thousand hours in there, paul!" george sighed, knowing that it usually took paul at least half an hour to get ready, and george needed to open the shop at 6:45, only about an hour from then. and counting the fact that george himself needed to get ready, and show paul the entire shop.

"yeah, yeah fine." paul knew he shouldn't take too long, so he walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

when he came out of that same door, it was only fifteen minutes later. a new record. his hair was nicely combed and there was a bit of toothpaste left on the corner of his mouth. he quickly wiped it off.

when george came out of the bathroom, and his turn had only taken ten minutes, he was wearing smudgy black eyeliner (not too thick, obviously, just enough to make his eyes pop) and his hair was still nicely messy.

"ready to go, paulie?" george asked.

"yeah. let's get this over with." paul got up from the bed and grabbed his walkman, keys, and his bag, heavy with the weight of the many textbooks he would need after his shift at the coffee shop.

george opened the door for him, a jokingly "gentlemanly" gesture.

"ay, i know you're making fun of my eyelashes!" paul said threateningly.

"'m not! i'm not!" george said through bouts of laughter.

paul just glared at george, but small giggles were escaping his lips.

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